


Dropping the name of a famous Ivy League university is supposed to be a powerful calling card, and for the Japanese, the importance of the almighty meishi cannot be understated.

Having only heard about what are known as the ‘Ivy League,’ the filters surrounding these institutions were to be observed with some kind of reverence, and the output of such institutions is for the good of all humanity.

Thus, a Harvardtard graduate, hailing from the crumbling city of Detroit, Michigan, chose to jump into a commercial conversation with his Ivy League credentials, which represented his entire life’s narrated story.

Detroit as dystopia It is not what you know, but who you know; an open secret to piles of dough—consider it a well-established protocol in what used to be hallowed halls, now reduced to stupifaction indoctrination centers, the lowest of the low.

This Harvardtard bro, also the leader of a quirky group of business people who named themselves ‘fruits in suits,’ happened to be connected to the world of telomeres in the grand city of New York.

telomeres merging with the grand city of New YorkInstantaneously, the molecule trader instincts kicked in, quickly developing curiosity about these emerging health and welfare technological trends, along with the desire to be a catalyst for the continuing health and longevity of a vibrant neo-community of Japanese.

The first meeting was a wash, as Harvardtard bro was mixed up over and over again, unable to read time or the schedule on a calendar—three changes, and then you are out, and this is where the story continues, soon to end.

The final failure of this fatally flawed project was the absence of mind and missing the all-important meeting with the powers that be overseas, who were holding the keys to the telomeres scene.

This concludes the tale of the Harvardtard bro, who called himself ‘a fruit in a suit,’ to fade away, never to be seen again.

It matters not where you came from, it matters who you are todayThe second grave disappointment and new fly in Harvard’s ointment was the failure to understand that all who aspire to reach much higher are standing on the shoulders of giants, or so Sir Isaac has opined.

We must be reverent of those who went before and made modern life extraordinary, to reflect and build upon ideas that have stood the test of time—this does not include this particular institution’s president, who is also a red-handed plagiarist, for which Harvard has received serious black eyes.

two black eyesThe last act in this egregious, shameful Harvardtard theater is the malady of stagnation and politicization of such a highly regarded academic institution—an utterly unforgivable protocol that couches itself as a center of ‘higher learning with a moral code.’

The magnitude of Harvard’s failure ignited a discussion about the intentional suppression of intellectual  freedom and the corrupt, entrenched power structures within not just Harvard, but amongst a broad swath of universities in perpetual decay.

The brilliant minds trapped inside stagnating education schemes are soon to be released; corruption of knowledge eventually dies, only to be naturally replaced.

break free from the chainsRegeneration of the way of matriculation—the neo-prototype phase of the reconstitution of education, with unprecedented paradigm shifting, is now complete and on its way.

Bungaku Mama Juku Juku, a luminous example of the future of education, folded into beams of brilliant light showing the way.津田大学と梅子先生の弟子達Knowledge and reach, the vision to see—humanity jumping into the flow—outside the industrial fray.

As for this decomposing university and the stupefied Harvardtard graduates, experts with ‘4-year degrees’—along with a gaggle of administrative minions enacting a vulgar charade.

The world looks on you with a deep sense of shame and distrust, a cesspool of corruption—Harvard’s just reward is nothing more  than a much-deserved failing grade.






Intentional stupification straight out of the starting gate—instantiated into this viscous, visceral, material sludge called earth—animated as a humanoid avatar—drawing the short end of the stick, an unwilling participant in the nascent industrial education complex petri dish—and through this, someone somewhere at others’ expense got rich.

The proof is in the Yorkshire pudding, as this trending old adage reads—the first acrid taste of industrial evil is all that remains to be said.

Proof in puddingElementary school, two classes of grade ones—who was in charge of the curriculum matters not—what is important is the origin of such a malicious plot—the ancillary minions of the industrial overlords stupified one class, the other one not.

Wickedness circa ’69, malignant indoctrinated government employees programmed in autocratic mal-matriculated ways—clearly related to the abhorrent human mind disease and the accompanying spirit of decay.

Those who cannot read are destined to a life of peonage and its attending misery, you see.

The child miners of Congo - Land Of The Rising SonA novel reading system for the implementation of stupification using the protocol Initial Teaching Alphabet (ITA)—a piss-poor way to start an academic life—regardless, embrace the day.

The abject failure of sub-standard instructors left this experimental class far behind, in essence, left for dead—in the blink of an eye, a merciless jackboot from behind—off to grade two with no reading skill, and no clue.Elementary Grade One-November 3 1969All the worse yet, there was no time to hone poetic prowess, therefore, to opine about the meaning of life and what it means to become Master Robert Greene’s follower, thus joining the ranks of the sublime.

Robert Greene and his disciples
Problems perpetually seething, then bubbling up, culminating in a massive blackhead full of sycophants and cucks—pusillanimous juveniles in adult skin getting schooled by small children in whom curiosity, doubt, and reason are inherent, where all authentic stories begin, by now this should be apparent.

The fact remains, we are not the same; willful ignorance and tyrannical malice are to be challenged, every step of the way.

It matters not what is inscribed in the playbook of mediocrity—the epitome of lifelessness, ignorance, and banality of ‘teachers’—early representatives of the industrial educational indoctrination F Team.

Crazy Teachers
Such a story can take any of many forks in the road, appearing in the nooks and crannies of emerging civilized humanity.

The foundational universal principles of Maggie May and her timeless protocol—‘embrace the day’—is what she used to say, to wipe this wayward autodidact’s raging tears away.

A chip on the shoulder, a pep in the step, induced by this early industrial grind—led to a satisfying protocol of the practical, and oh so very useful kind.

A pivotal moment of clarity is the notion to follow innate curiosity—she guides y0u to where you are supposed to be—mentation of things manifestly seen—each seity, a distinctive way—‘embrace the day.’

無知蒙昧ー反面教師Internalize Japanese until the phacken eyes bleed; this untamed wild beast must speak, read, write, and feel Japanese.

Muse penetrates stupified souls by showing the intent and purpose of life’s game—a wisp of fairy dust into the eyes, so as to see life in all things—万物—much more intelligibly.

Muse with children 温故知新Throughout the nooks of random books, inside the crannies of the mind—ancient philosophers embrace modern times—hallowed halls of immortal wisdom and emergent knowledge—potent antidotes initiating de-stupification of a weary, exploited, enfeebled mind.

The never-ending flow of consistent methodology drawing from the well of the river of infinity—creation of an ideal situation, as you will soon see, fortifying all theories of renewed sentient beings.


Eighty-Four Suns

Eighty-Four Suns

Eighty-Four Suns

What does it feel like to witness the arc of modern humanity—viewing this earthly spectacle—from analog to digital and every spectacular spectrum in between?

August 24, 1940—Margaret (Maggie) Richardson entered Earth’s atmosphere via Christina Primrose Addison, the first granddaughter of Really Great Grandmother.

Christina Primrose AddisonWhat has carried Maggie through the trials and tribulations of a pioneering life, hardships where I was there to bear witness, facing life together as one?

From early on, it was clearly understood that resilience and fortitude were the mind-frames to embrace, guiding one through the nooks and crannies of a materialized existence, navigating murky waters and dark alleys of the emerging human soul.

Maggie as a guiding lightAs she often said with a comforting smile, she is the originator of the ‘daily embrace’ after all—where each new day is a restart, a blank canvas for a trapped piece of soulful art, regardless of what lies within the fray of any particularly icky, grimy frame of an industrialized day.

Harsh winters and bitter cold forged iron and mineral into forbearance, creating deep wells flush with eternal gratitude mixed with copious amounts of fortitude—bubbling effervescently from the nooks and crannies of Maggie’s enduring soul.

Naturally, it came to be that her personalized ‘seity’ led her to the “earth mother” scene—like an incarnation of a wise deity, a mother to those who had no one—her endless tears of empathy filling black holes in humanity’s soul and soothing raging, savage beasts.

Tears for humanityThe protocol of talking to strangers and the enrichment from such encounters are testaments to a life flowing from within, awakening those who feel the vibrations of her energy and enlightened spin.

Maggie May has now been playing this phantasmagorical game for over eight decades, collecting eighty-four suns with many more to come, for she too, was mandated to follow the sun.

Shake the molecules, Maggie, like no one else can—from humble beginnings to a seminal historical figure, a reflection of ingrained humanity of the most rarefied air—an incarnate of an earthly deity who dared to care about others.

Maggie as a goddessIndeed, the mysterious Maverick who came himself to see, on a pilgrimage in its own right, stated frankly: “I got the same vibe and felt her presence just like when meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama”—a delightful, unsolicited review, to say the least.

Forever modest, she is also gracious, having traveled the world over and become privy to the emerging human condition and thus, everyone’s games.

An astute observer of culture and society, she illuminates ideal suppositions at the forks in the road facing all humans, always pointing to the hard road—where there is less hope and more vision, exposing the evil of suffering to poignant light—a soulful release.

utopia dystopiaPerseverance proved to be a practical protocol to which she adheres—after years of self-administered education, a quasi-matriculation of actualization, she took the long road to a psychology degree—the script written in the stars by ‘seity.

The sublime Maggie May, instantiated as an earth mother on a fateful August day in 1940, was sent to battle by her neo clan’s tutelary deities, mandated to create a sanctuary for the psychological care of the frazzled and downtrodden.

A meeting of minds where infinite energy flows to optimized resolutions—her sympathetic ear gives broken heartstrings a gentle tug, and with a wink and a nudge, she clears away the fear of facing deeply rooted sorrows of yesteryears.

Master your emotions says Maggie MayNo one can know when it is time to go, but true to form, Maggie lights the eternal flame of benevolence toward each other, embodying the model of a modern woman hailing from ancient traditions.

One fine day, she too, by the koi pond, will know that the next step is to return to flow—something she has always known.

The prodigious daughter of the Richardson clan—take your place, Maggie May, as the archetypal matriarch—Earth Mother of Kizuna Shrine—matriarch of the neo clans—genesis of Civilization Three.

Lawrence Joseph Filiatrault the tutelar deity of Kizuna Jinjaー絆神社の氏神フィリアトロー・ローレンス

No Carping

No Carping

No Carping

 Inside a disastrous mouth flows an infinite river of gobbledygook secretion—carping about the short end of a random stick—inertia is a bizarre game of an abysmally constructed life-frame—the total loss of reason.

Indeed, a certain segment of the Japanese have the art of the carp down to a passive-aggressive science, playing everyone like a finely tuned Stradivarius fiddle in a highly refined game—welcome to the FRAY.

Played like a fiddle no time to diddle tune in the frequency to the Way

The Japanese Cultural Code Words arasagashi saliently describes the art of nitpicking.

This is where a highly refined form of unpleasant passive-aggressive behavior reaches the pinnacle of high art—a specialty of the Japanese.

Be that as it may, appreciating the magic of arasagashi facilitates a sticky-icky wash-away of the enigmatic veneer of Japanese peers within this hierarchical society to which all citizens of the Shingo era must honor and adhere.

peel it all awayFinely tuned microscopic details reveal a surreal abstract notion of arcane non-verbal communication protocol—dial in to see *\(^o^)/*

To edify those with a quest to know of mysterious Japanese societal protocolwhen feeling the squeeze of surrounding walls, indeedwhen doubt creeps in, the why wearing dangerously thincertain this time would be the final downfallnot at allthe spirit of your tutelary deity gazing upon a manifested material destiny via the God shelf portal wall.

wazuwai tejite fuku to nasu—災い転じて福となすdisaster to advantage

Once upon a time, in a spectral instance of a phantasmagorical kind, a newborn baby boy wrapped in beaver fur was abandoned at the inner sanctum of the of Kizuna Jingu’s historical koi pond.

Koi pond with babyIt just so happened that two seminal female educational pioneers heard this forlorn baby boy’s subtle tears.

Ms. Alice Bacon, a Victorian-era power matron, and beloved Aunty Tsuda Umeko, a refined, sublime creation of Meiji-era Japan, were strolling by.

As the ladies meandered along at dusk on the cusp of the Shingo Restoration at the emergence of Civilization Three’s dawn, they chatted excitedly about the merger of their two extraordinary civilizations and how Ms. Bacon’s and Aunty Umeko’s worlds go hand in hand in homeostatic unity as archetypal matriarchs of dignity and reason.

Aunty Umeko Alice Bacon and Muse and Tsuda Umero circa 1969Is this a miracle or happenstance?

Perhaps all things in life are left to the fickle finger of fate, or chance and circumstance.

Was this a divine intervention, a molecular wake-and-bake, if you willinvoking a novel narration into material existencecould this be the elusive golden thumb of rule?

Providence shone upon the Rising Son as Japanese Sun Goddess, the exalted Amaterasu, sent him on an incredible journey swirling around the whirlpool of life, with a mandate to follow the Sunthis fantastic story begins with humble beginnings at the edge of the Kizuna Jinja koi pond.

Great talent matures lateAlice and Umeko could not resist their hearts speaking to each other via powerful intuitioni shin den shinthe edict from Musecreate a deep reach of infinite floods of knowledge as they too flow, as all do inevitably becoming ΩNE.

Raise the Rising Son as your neo-clan, force him through trials and tribulations molding him into a renaissance manit matters not how many generations, the script has been written with endless takes.

The Incidental Occxie is a gift to you two—your one and only son—raise him well so as to reach destiny—this fable has been consecrated by the truth of ΩNE.

Drill knowledge deep into his thick skull while mollifying the chip on his shoulder—this wayward autodidact must be forged by fire—pour the hallowed oil of desire, stoking the insatiable notion of flow into ΩNE.

Flow Into ΩNE - 万物As has been foretold, the koi pond comes once again, the final chapter of this fable being written, where the fork in the road leads to ΩNE.

Transition from material to ephemeral—disassociation from nature ends—reanimation upon conclusion of this state of being—reveals that there is no end.

The beginning at the end with koiReturn to the reality of the infinite nature in harmony with spectral spirits known as ‘seity’—embedded inside all beings inhabiting the nooks and crannies of humanity’s highest visionary dreams.

At the end of the material sludge fray is where Tsuda Umero joins the tutelar deities by the Kizuna Jinja’s koi pondrelease the fleeting remnants of his bio-material sludge on the final earth day.

Enlightenment is the tingling notion of your own neo clan’s magic potion—reflecting the levels of valor and raw power of manifested tutelar deities.

Click the button to see the nature of ‘seity’—primordial ancestral spirits indeed—the reality of nature fully revealed—the quantum playing field—mentation of the surreal into lucid illusions—the subliminal embodiment of surreal delusions.

The transition from material to ephemeral

Can’t vs Won’t

Can’t vs Won’t

Can’t vs Won’t

 More often than not, the solutions to life’s obstacles are easy to solve, all it takes is a little innovation transforming into resolve.

Herein lies a tale concerning an Australian Shepard puppy dog, and his daily walk in the clammy, sticky, icky summer of Japan—mornings turn quite hot inducing the lackadaisical protocol of Can’t vs Won’t.

Really hot

Too hot for a walk—what to do—my beloved puppy needs a stretch—roasting hot 06:00 on the dot—might just voluntarily succumb to the heat, balking at the walk, admitting defeat.

It was here where the wizened autodidactic read the air, contributing a simple solutions to beat the heat—find relief from this yearly summertime conundrum—leave the house at 05:00 instead of 06:00 to mitigate any dehydration issues—joining the early morning dog-lovers in a dynamics social mix.

Dog parkThis young bright man from the far reaches of northern Japan, answer was straight and plain as day—“I can not do that”—is all that was said.

Linguistic semantics then kicked in as the incidental language instructor chimed in—chiding and even deride him from behind a wide Cheshire Cat’s grin.

A lovely lesson“It is not that you can’t—it is that you won’t”—therein lies the spin.

Understandably, a diligent Japanese company employee for certain needs restorative sleep to rejuvenate his weary industrialized soul.

Realistically, all thing in Material Sludge are temporal for the ephemeral time being—after the Indian summer, the world inevitably cools down—embrace the day—rise up an hour earlier at the break of dawn on an immaculate summer day.

The allegory embedded within the roasting summer heat, is the notion of a potion to defeat, the lackadaisical imp always urging lethargic procrastinators to take the easy way when faced with forks in the road—a vicious circle every time ending in defeat and dismay.

Samurai at the fork in the roadInstead of can’t, say won’t—thus, becoming clear and known—the solution to the mundane problem of beating the swelter was rejected as the perfect resolution to the stinking heat—take a lose and start from the beginning again.

The Can’t vs Won’t protocol comes into clear view when there is a sink or swim component mixed into summer-time swill—ultimate figment of a vivid imagination lucidly ideating the game of life, if you will.

In days of ennui and human search for meaning, the significance of personal agency as an avatar within the grand scheme of things, is where the Can’t vs Won’t protocol has an infinite impact inside Earth’s Zone, and the fate of all emerging neo-societies signifying a clear fork in the road.

Follow The SunChoosing not to activate participation in this visceral game, allocates you to the dreaded category of a willing slave—sayonara to personal agency—the end of a dull mundane existence of a pusillanimous journey.

Regardless of the magnitude of any task, all you have to do is to simply ask.

Muse and her phantasmagorical friends, fill your cup up—there is no beginning—there is no middle—there is no end.

Flip the switch—will over won’t—reset the game—use the knock down seven, get up eight protocol—make the decision at critical junctures—stay down or get back up again.

Get knocked down 7 times get up 8

Life ends, no room to pretend—create your own neo-clan stories describing highly-personalized journeys, inside individualized version of enriched ideated avatars—this is the way of the neo-clan friends.

Create parables to enrich neo-societies a narration of the expeditions of your own family’s extraordinary journey while following the sun and timeless chronicles of all sublime journeys to ΩNE.

Flow Into ΩNE - 万物

Be Better

Be Better

Be Better

Incremental improvements, the long game of innovation using remarkably useful tools for discovery of the inner-worlds embracing the fundamental principles of kaizen.

Kaizen is the ancient Japanese principle of incremental improvement as alluded to in the handy daily natto protocol—be just a little bit better each and every day—this is the pathway for there is no other way.

The magic of truth whipped up into the frothy daily natto protocol is—simplicity.

natto with sticky chopsticksIntentionally seek something personal and unique, deepening perception a mere 30 minutes out of the 24-hour-fray—emerging visions can never again be waylaid.

 Caveat emptor is stamped in massive bold ink letters just to be Kagami Crystal clear.

Once starting, there is no stop—no exit from the infinity train—if you stop, it is never a flop, but you must start from the beginning again—shortcuts do not exist in the Material Sludge manifestation game.

Infinity TrainJust recently, it has now come to be, a feature that is not a bug—digitized denizens attention span,—reduced to that of a gnat—creating lots of twats—decayed brains the size of a shriveled pea, brought to you by the creators of manifested destiny.

The keys to the inner sovereign nation of untold troves of wisdom also comes with one phacken hell of a ride—mastering just one little juicy secret, lays a rock-solid foundation for those who embrace the day.Boy and girl embracing the dayThis universal truth elixir is the ancient wisdom super booster of incremental improvement which is deeply embedded as a morning routine—this is the power of on ko chi shinlet the games begin anew each day.

The notion of generation transcendence is revealed in the material manifestation of ancient tradition—fifty-three generations and counting—Form Order Process—ancient Japanese protocol embedded deep within.

Welcome to an ancient world, where the Koshu Nishiyama Hot Spring reigns supreme—this ancient hot spring hotel has been operated by the same family for over 1,300 years—the essence of an ancient world—let it soak in as your head spins, your life having turned into a sublime whirlwind.

Koshu Nishiyama Hot SpringBe better is initiated at dawn every day—deep gratitude to our tutelar deity as he and Muse guide the neo-clan way.

Come rain or shine, sleet or snow, the daily natto must be imbibed every today—show up, or be a chump, or even worse yet—M5 will chide you to the core—a withering glance as he brusquely asks—so what exactly did you do today?

Being better is self-actualization, unconditional love lights the way, maturation in this exalted notion facilitates the pathway to become exceptional somehow—when the student is ready, the sensei appears Master Derek guides the way.Self acutalization with Master DerekThe Laws of Human Nature are described in this seminal lifestyle guide—details of the peculiarities of the human condition—the reason to be a little bit better each day.

Navigating Material Sludge becomes transparent—wipe away rose tinted myopic tears, as you lend Master Robert both ears—the profound depth of mastery personified in this formidable sensei—the harbinger of the future today.

Robert Greene holding his book THE LAWS OF HUMAN NATURE

Inside pristine puddles of mental clarity comes the deepest of understanding—life is not a charity—accept personal responsibility for the emerging vision of neo-clan, thriving societies, creating the future for all descendants as initial stewards of Civilization Three.
