Father Became God Today

Apr 9, 2022Blog, Inspiration

Father Became God Today

June 15, 1935 ~ April 5, 2022
昭和10年6月15日 〜 令和4年4月5日

Must have been tough growing up in poverty in Northern British Columbia starting on June 15, 1935.

Quesnel - British Columbia - Land Of The Rising Son

However, one will never know, as my father brought himself out of poverty and gave his family the life he never had.

Anyone who has had the joy of fly-fishing for rainbow trout, on a pristine mountain lake, nestle into the alpine mountains of British Columbia, can understand the significance of such a deep and meaningful childhood experience.

Fly Fishing - Land Of The Rising Son

He made his way out of the darkness of poverty through the sheer force of his will and settled down in 1963, in a pristine paradise, which is referred to by the locals as “gods country.”

He provided his children and wife with extraordinary formative life experiences, all the while facing increasingly complex modern world problems as a simple man.

The primary valuable lessons instilled by father was his work ethic and how to carry oneself with integrity and honour.

Tokugawa Ieyasu - Land Of The Rising Son

At the age of twelve, one was switch off the “allowance” system, to a much more practical protocol of cleaning toilets and washing the floors of my father’s car dealership.

The wage matched the era: 1975, first wage, $.75/hour.

Canadian-25-cent-caribou-quarter-coin - Land Of The Rising Son

X 3
= Rich!

Lowneys Cherry Blossom - Land Of The Rising Son

My father faced many adversities during his lifetime, and his philosophy of “knock down 7 get up 8” served him throughout his life, where he followed the Sun and found his own Way.

He believed life was to be full, rich, and vibrant, regardless of whatever circumstances comes one’s way, or the “hand that was dealt.”

This philosophy was the foundation of a powerful life-force driving this incredibly resilient man forward, despite being born to alcoholic French-Canadian parents, and into poverty.

He also happened to have been indoctrinated with Catholicism, in which one’s mother referred to him as a “cradle Catholic” just the other day.

Regardless of Rome’s distinctly black and white view of the afterlife, one has discovered the “holy grail” if you will.

Three Sacred Symbols Of Japan - Land Of The Rising Son

Here in Japan, the ancient protocol of Ancestor Worship superseded any delusional notion of a separation from one’s own family, clan, or community.

The foundation of the Japanese Way is Shintoism, and it is here where the dearly departed become gods.

The fresh deity’s spirits embodies the personality and deeds accomplished while residing upon this mortal coil.

My father’s 86-year journey under Sun Goddess Amaterasu has now come to an end, and it is here one can say:

My beloved father, you have now become a God, and it is here on our clan’s “kamidana” your spirit resides as our Ujigami protecting us for infinity.

神棚 - Land Of The Rising Son

Lawrence Joseph Filiatrault - June 15, 1935 ~ April 5, 2022 - Land Of The Rising Son

神棚について - Land Of The Rising Son