Draw The Line
Unlike the stark finality of the black and white world view of the Occxies, right and wrong are not absolute in the Japanese context of things.
When looking at relationships, especially in business, the success of the any relationship depend on a wide variety of circumstances—if this isn’t already obvious enough.
Unquestionably, a favourable outcome clearly depends on the individuals involved, positions, timing, and a host of other variables, including, of course, the actual intent of the concerned parties.
In Old Japan, right and wrong were based on the universal concept of “might is right,” and this established law-of-the-jungle still sets the rules and remains firmly in place today.
There is no one universal truth as to what is right and what is wrong.
This truth is clearly reflected in the language protocol of the Japanese—particularly the predominate communication conventions of honne and tatemae.
The Japanese language evolved so as what is considered to be the truth in the eyes of the Occxies is subjective.
Truly, contracts in the Occxie sense with their cut and dried, lawyer-speak details are conceptually alien to the Japanese and merely serve as a rough guideline to steer the relationship and projects with the all-important protocol of flexibility and kaizen.
In the Japanese mind, there are only interpretation of a stated “truth.”
The conclusions drawn are dependent upon an interpretation of the actual situation in the context of a mutually beneficial relationship as opposed to a dry, impersonal obligation describing each party’s requirements and obligations.
This speaks to the entrenched societal protocols of tatemae and honne—evolving over millennia—the foundation of Japan and how our society functions at the highest level in human history, ever.
Defining the black and white Occxie concept of right and wrong is clearly illustrated in Japan’s saga of political scandals.
Japanese politics are based on policies rather than principles, and the overriding policy of politicians has been to get into office, stay in office, benefit financially, and take care of family, friends, and supporters.
This has lead to a parade of parasitical piggy pointless politicians modelling the system of the victors.
Pigs in lipstick if you will—here these ridiculous idiots found a way to ride the pony out of their own misery and quaff at the trough of the fruits of others time and labour—tax.
Mobility between classes, and the notion of equality is an imported concept formulated in the minds of the Occxies, and still is and will remain a foreign concept to the Japanese until the end of time.
The original meaning of kejime is “difference” or “distinction.”
Remember in Japan the nail that sticks up get hammered down, so distinguishing oneself from the others is normally avoided, but when called, for kejime is a great way to take these parasites to task.
Kejime now refers to an appearance of an impropriety that results in a line being drawn in order to make a judgment about someone’s behaviour.
Also important to keep in mind, publicly calling someone out and creating a dark cloud of shame around them comes with significant societal implications and is not to be taken lightly.
We can often see kejime in action as an important element in the Japanese business world, particularly when concerning top management in major corporations and public organizations.
When the elite of corporations are involved in major accidents, polluting the environment, or engaging in any other kind of reprehensible behaviour, they are targeted for a kejime drubbing.
Here, the guilty and sinful are forced to atone for their malfeasant behaviour and disgusting attitudes toward the citizens and the shared environment.
Not merely a word, kejime is a concept to be utilized in the appropriate situation—such as when groups of employees decide that certain managers are not acceptable and mount surreptitious campaigns to oust them.
One must always be aware and read the air—kejime can been used to get rid of foreign expatriate managers who failed to hit it off with their Japanese employees, or neglect to adequately prepare for a mutually beneficial relationship with the Japanese.
There are a plethora of unspoken protocols and social conventions sprinkled throughout the Japanese language.
The abundance of verbal nuggets such as kejime can be considered as the nooks and crannies of the enigmatic Japanese mind.
Reaching more deeply into the extraordinary times and minds of the Japanese, a deep sense of the vastness of this ancient civilization, and the magnificent history of the Japanese present us all with an infinity of nooks and crannies of the universal mind to explore.