As an avatar made of flesh, snot, and blood, roaming the ancient plains of Kanto, Japan—reason for being during this epic epoch of a new beginning—esoterically clear—once bewildered as to why this Incidental Occxie was chosen to follow the sun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Reflecting on the past as a series of highly coincidental incidents—being where one has been, seeing what one has seen—has led to a formal introduction to the sublime entity known as ‘Seity,’ and the vast implications of her role in the civil bifurcation of humanity.
Seity emerged to the world’s consciousness through an enlightened oracle, the inimitable prophet of the Age of Shingo—神悟時代—il leggendario Maestro Frederico Faggin.This anointed wizard conjured silicon brains and endless chains of communication relays—microchips powering modernity—a sculptor of inorganic life, forged from silicon and timeless sands by his empyrean hands—forever altering history—the mastermind behind Silicon Valley, shepherded by the infinite matriarch—Seity.
Mandated by the incessant call of an ‘intuitional gut feeling’ urging, no, demanding he create his Magnum Opus—the seminal, irreducible book of Analytical Idealism’s sacred text—an immaculate Swan Song enshrined within the ‘Bible Of Homeostasis’—book of revelation—if you will.
Challenge the materialist imitative binary mind—the ultimate free-range avatar thrill—since one must die somewhere, somehow, someway, why not on this hill?
Superpositions await those bold enough to invoke the protocol of quantized free will—in concert with Seity.
Indeed, swallow all egotistical pride—probe deep inside the nooks and crannies, where hungry ghosts still haunt the mind, is where the dusty, musty road map of life and Seity both reside.
Personalized guides to navigate the tricky inner netherworlds of the evolving human mind, for those who choose to embrace the day, and thrive.
This sacred book elucidates symbology and its connection to Seity—the art of living succinctly aligned with the innate qualia of ΩNE.The destination is bifurcation—fork in the road—the classical ideals of civility and the dystopian nightmare crafted by the materialist’s bleak molecular world.
Materialist avatars and their armies of acquiescent minions are creations of their own mentated dystopian visions—assigning a price tag to every atom and molecule, a modern-day slave trade—echoing the world’s oldest profession for exploitive longevity for this is their way.Those who seek to unearth personalized destiny, who perceive the quality of their qualia through profound earthly experience, establish a visceral connection to the infinite sequel of Earth’s reality TV—united on a journey toward the discovery of your very own Seity.
Life in the Material Sludge involves looking in from the outside—a character actor in a story—the soundtrack is an internal vibrational symphony—closing one’s eyes allows one to see.
Reconnect to nooks and crannies, to the faded remnants of long-lost memories—a deep dive into the shadows—to know of hungry ghosts haunting earthly being.Connecting to this inner reality, the journey begins in earnest—a date with fate, naked and exposed to the demands set forth by one’s Seity.
Seity embodies the intuitional essence of selfhood, opening communication channels via vibrational connections to fantastic civil societies within these sublime spectrums—beyond the reach of Base 2 human beings.Indeed, all are defined by the external world and physical actions.
Base 10 humans, however, realize they shape and mold the material world, and upon discovering this Universal Truth, gain full access to the mysterious superposition within quantum theory.
Distinctly separate from societal roles or labels attached to new arrivals to this earthly plane, the configuration of pre-constructed social-culture identities—the source of all maladies, anguish, and pain.
Seity, however, is the self’s experience of itself as a unique entity—in essence—Number None.Surviving materialists’ preprogrammed scripts, one have now morphed into a wisdom-weaver, cracking the code at the root level of this constructed microkernel reality.
Delving deep into the hidden, dark wellsprings of putrefied, personalized pain—the dank sensation of suffering, the grind of the fray—can you feel the emptiness in the pit of the stomach each day?
This is the signals to ‘embrace the way.’
The sense of hopelessness, downcast and forlorn, manifests as malevolent spells cast for stupification via incantation, inducing confusion, bewilderment, and disarray.Those who cling to untenable materialistic theories about this shared world are destined to be melted and melded into the Industrial Fray—reintroduced into the flow of ΩNE via physical expiration, as instructed by one’s tutelar deities for this is the neo-clan way.
The miracle described in Maestro Frederico Faggin’s Magnum Opus infuses humanoid avatars with the innate ability to observe and analyze their own thoughts, emotions, and actions with a sense of detachment—an evocative synergy with Seity.Believing is seeing—a small step for the ego, yet a great leap for humankind, steering the neo-clan committee toward a deeper relationship with Seity and her mischievous sister, Muse, along with the rest of their civil societies, standing on the shoulders of—on ko chi shin—the light that guides the way.
Higher levels of consciousness bring peace of mind and serenity—experiencing life intimately by way of visceral metacognitive faculties, fleeting ephemeral scenes—awareness of experience and their fundamental influence on human behaviour—foreseeing likely outcomes of future phantasmagorical scenes—the core tenet of the neo-clan meme.This reflective process allows individuals to evaluate inner states, question motives, and assess the impact of actions on themselves and others—a crucial component of personal growth.
Moreover, it facilitates deeper insights into beliefs, habits, and patterns, leading to intentional and mindful decision-making shaped by Seity.
Japanese individuals may hold a critical advantage, having already been born into the Base 10 zone, as evidenced by their ancient communication protocols—a system rich with mystic, allegorical tales from the evolution of Japanese mythology.Let us now guide you through the eclectic roles in this phantasmagorical movie, to discern the difference between Seity and your personal identity.
Identity refers to the outward-facing aspects of a person, such as their social roles, labels, and characteristics—qualities others can observe and classify.
Seity, on the other hand, emphasizes the inward-facing, intrinsic aspect of self as the core of ‘who one is’ beyond external identifiers such as nationality, gender, or job title—a deeper, more intimate recognition of selfhood.Perhaps one might see this concept represented in the well-known Japanese protocol of hone and tatemae, connected to ancient mystical traditions, where Seity can be understood as one’s true nature and the reason to be.
Certainly, koto dama—spirit of the word—i shin den shin—telepathic frequency—and the most powerful notion to grace the ancient texts of Japan—on ko chi shin.
Developing new ideas based on study of the past—weaving profound nuggets of wisdom throughout the transcendent tapestry of a mentated mind, those who follow the sun, leading into the flow of ONE—one’s path to embrace the day.
Indeed, philosophies such as Zen Buddhism exemplify the Japanese art of blending and rearranging atoms, molecules, quarks, and gluons into a multidimensional whole forging a cohesive society.Seity exists within every human being—the trick is to recognize both the masculine and feminine residing inside the inner most nooks and crannies of the sublime—now your own anointed journey has begun—invoke the spirit of tutelar deities—a profound introspective experience in consort with Seity.
The emergence of meta-consciousness, along with the empirical identification of Seity, shapes the subconscious of each individual—egotistical biological wetware machines—the harbinger of bifurcation—birth of Civilization Three.
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