Country Song

Country Song

Country Song

The lyrics of a national song spotlight unique features, reflecting the bedrock of a country, as the song embodies the diverse tapestry of societies throughout Mother Earth’s colorful worlds.

For some, the notion of a national anthem stirs unease—yet fundamentally, the country’s song serves to knit citizenry into cohesive societies, representing the subjective moral tapestry of a nation, such as the Japanese, who laud their ancient ways.

Japan, as a sage society, yearns to dwell in constitutional harmony—a creed woven into the Japanese, echoing the sagacity of Shotoku Taishi, the essence of the Japanese soul.Shotoku Taishi weaving the Japanese ancient constitution into the Japanese soulThe words of this nation’s song have grown into a deep intrigue—the briefest anthem on Earth, yet rich in sublime beauty, enshrined in a lingering, whimsical, whisper—exalting ancestors’ as prayers for the longevity of the Japanese.

A mosaic of ancient fiefs, strewn across this sacred land, founded upon the citizenry’s staunch adherence to the protocol of civility—the denizens of Civilization Three.ΩNE World Civilisation Three-Land Of The Rising Son-JapanA thousand generations to start, thousands and thousands of millennia—one could say this time frame is akin to eternity, a mere picosecond in the life of a tutelary deity.

Generations progress along—nothing permanently etched in rock—what once was a pebble has now become stone—in the flow to ΩNE, no soul walks alone.

The beauty is profound, thousands of generations, the pebbles have become magnificent precious stones covered with moss.A pebble transforming to stone then to a large boulder covered in mossThe roots run so very deep—a reflection of infinity through the eyes of tutelary deities—the world is so much More Than Allegory.

More Than Allegory Dr. Bernardo KastrupOne thing comes to mind—the essence of kinship is sublime—neo-clan nations built on the bedrock of ancient wisdom—Onozuto Protocol.

The saga of tutelary deities commences their reign at The Beginning of Infinity—every thousand mile journey starts with the first step.A caucasian boy holding a Japanese fairies hand taking the first blood stepIn the Age of Shingo 神悟一界一道—the neo-societies bloom into Civilization ThreeHead Master Derek’s mentation across generations, over millennia, to materialization—thus, so it came to be.



tutelary deity reigns—

1,000 to 8,000 generations—

until pebbles grow into boulders,

covered in moss.

The lyrics of “君が代” stem from a waka poem found in the Kokin Wakashū (古今和歌集), an ancient Japanese anthology compiled in the early 10th century. Originally, the poem was not written as a national anthem but was later adapted for that purpose

Composition as National Anthem:
In 1869, during the early Meiji era, British military bandmaster John William Fenton, stationed in Japan, observed that Japan lacked a national anthem. He recommended composing one, and a melody was created under his guidance. However, this original melody was later replaced.

Official Melody:
In 1880, the current melody was composed by Hayashi Hiromori (林廣守), a musician in the Imperial Household Agency, with additional contributions by Franz Eckert, a German musician. The arrangement reflected a more traditional Japanese aesthetic and was officially adopted.

Adoption as National Anthem:
”Kimi ga Yo” was formally designated as Japan’s national anthem during the Meiji period. It is regarded as one of the world’s oldest and shortest anthems. Despite its deep cultural roots, it was legally recognized as the national anthem in 1999 under the Act on National Flag and Anthem.


Akemashite Omedetō-Reiwa 7 Gantan

Akemashite Omedetō-Reiwa 7 Gantan

Akemashite Omedetō-Reiwa 7 Gantan

A most delightful Japanese New Year tradition is eating soba noodles on New Year’s Eve.

As mundane an event as this may seem to those who have yet to be enlightened about the magic instantiated in ōmisoka soba noodles consumed on New Year’s Eve.

年越し蕎麦toshikoshi soba

A traditional Japanese dish eaten on New Year’s Eve. Buckwheat noodles symbolize the release of past hardships and the welcoming of a fresh start in the new year.


  1. Longevity and Prosperity: The long noodles symbolize long life.
  2. Breaking with the Past: Soba is easy to cut compared to other noodles, symbolizing the cutting off of the difficulties or misfortunes of the past year.
  3. Buckwheat’s Resilience: Soba plants can thrive in harsh conditions, symbolizing strength and resilience.


While the specific style of soba may vary by region or family, popular accompaniments include:

  • Hot soba in broth: Served in a light soy sauce-based soup.
  • Cold soba with dipping sauce: A simpler, refreshing option.
  • Toppings: Common toppings include tempura, seaweed, green onions, or kamaboko (fish cake).

Eating 年越し蕎麦 is a comforting ritual to reflect on the past year and prepare for a prosperous new beginning.

Speaking of new beginnings(*´`*)╯♡

Reiwa 6 revealed a pivotal connection in the long and often arduous journey following the sun and living among the Japanese, imbibing the meaning of life as a free-range avatar.

One fundamental to internalize in the Year of Emperor Naruhito—Reiwa Seven—is that the nooks and crannies are replete with burning philosophical questions, which also yield the answers human beings innately seek.

It was here last year that the full explanation of the nature of reality was revealed—the meaning of life now filled in—seek and ye shall find—if you will.

Inside the farthest reaches of the secret of human existence—the veneer stripped away—what it means to be infinite—in a parsimonious philosophical way—for the world surrounding ye—is created solely by the mind for those who so choose to see.

This material world is an ephemeral dream—one believes they are awake, yet, in fact, still slumbering—until the time to rejoice with the tutelary deities—passing through these phantasmagorical scenes throughout this transitory world on the sublime journey to ΩNE.

ΩNE Reiwa 7




The magnificent concoction that nourishes relationships enduring the test of time—a rock-solid foundation of the neo-clan nations, sanctified connections of consanguinity, the bedrock of the reciprocity protocol.

Supporting each other through trials and tribulations, solidifying and consolidating over time in futuristic societies embedded into the pixels of the screen of perception, forming pathways to communal serenity.

The Japanese, as ever, have elevated the reciprocity protocol to an art form.Kitagawa_Utamaro_-_Toji_san_bijin_(Three_Beauties_of_the_Present_Day)From_Bijin-ga_(Pictures_of_Beautiful_WomenThe freedom to trade freely under the conditions of reciprocity aligns seamlessly with the traditional Japanese protocol of Form-Order-Process.

The notion of reciprocity has been ritualized, as this is the way the Japanese love things to be—obligatory gifts as staid protocols in rigid Japanese hierarchies—represented by the ubiquitous—meibutsu.

Regional specialties and delightful delicacies, souvenir protocol from local areas that abound inside the nooks and crannies of Japan—treasures to be unearthed and cherished.Souvenir map of japanA gratifying way to think about those you interact with is always the best way when invoking the Japanese spirit of tagai—互い—the protocol of reciprocity, an intentional mindset to envision a desired civil society for intrinsically linked neo-communities.

The desire to know each other deeply, kinship as the bond embedded in the most extraordinarily beautiful ideogramkizuna—bonds between peopleemotional tiesa state of serenity is entered upon crossing life’s daily chasm to enter Kizuna Jinja’s main gate.

絆神社「絆」No such thing as work in futuristic communities where the foundational protocol is reciprocity.

The baseline, embedded in the constitution where 絆 kizuna is a fundamental truth, serves as the lifeblood of all successful societies.

Societies advancing respectfully into the next phantasmagorical scene—reciprocity signifying gratitude instantiated with grace signaling the end of zero-sum games.不倶戴天の仇敵ーゼロ物質主義The reframing of this futuristic word-game seeks to reclaim agency over fundamental morals—freedom comes from reciprocity.

Civilization Three is thus created—sustainable stability—fortified by the ironclad guarantee of the Five August Visionaries of the burgeoning neo-societies.

As foretold by the elder of Kizuna Jinja, the venerable Old Plumb, humanity’s renewal is embraced by all neo-societies, who serve as stewards nurturing Mother Earth for the advancment of human society eternally.

base 10 reality at the Kizuna JinjaSymbiosis is woven in these free energy systems, generating endless loops of electricity that resonate with the deepest vibrations, broadcasting reciprocity.

Reciprocal relationships among those who choose to engage with each other freely— the exchange of energy resides within the feeling of obligation, imbued into the Certificates of Gratitude the currency of these burgeoning neo-societies.

Gratitude embodies the realization that no one walks alone— the soul already knows—ask Seity, and she will reveal kindred spirits who embrace reciprocity without fearing the unknown.

As you embrace the day, you will discover new ways to spread free trade by using Certificates of Gratitude freely and generously, as this is the way of reciprocal activities, unlocking freedom whenever you enter these free enterprise zones—in the Age of Shingo, no one walks alone.No one walks alone

Head Master Derek

Head Master Derek

Head Master Derek

A prodigious personification—a masterpiece of living art—bound by the enigmatic Onozuto Protocol, a fundamental Japanese convention.

The manifestation of an Oracle—a molecular vibration of the highest order—choreographing harmonic resonance—his ephemeral existence reflects an incarnation of a tutelary deity—connecting dots on phantasmagorical plots through the wisdom of his sagacious self-reflective teachings.

As an Incidental Occxie dwelling on the outskirts of modern Edo, the opportunities to congregate with those of the same fate were exceedingly rare—for the countryside of Japan is homogeneous, and the residents of this beautiful historic city—just happened to all be Japanese.Outside of old Edo Chin Wa Yorogo NariIsolation nurtures self-motivation, transforming the yearning to connect with the nooks and crannies so as to hear the stillness of the bamboo forest, seeking answers from the great unknown.

Forged by the stoic resilience of the Japanese spirit, one comes of age through re-creation and re-iteration—navigating the quagmire of esoteric ideogram mazes and the ancient protocols of FormOrderProcess fundamental to the Japanese Way.

In this moment, embrace the day.Embrace the day Lava and IIce motifThen it arrived—the Internet, a miracle—in the age of baud 9600—the advancement of civilization, the ascent of the connected neo-nation phase of humanity—hip, hip, hooray *\(^o^)/*

Stumbling upon a uniquely creative online record shop, which hinted at a greater plot, its initial interaction was like an ephemeral, smooth, silky, serene scene.

Here lies the treasure trove of discoveries—at last, a chance to buy music CDs via the burgeoning Internet—a godsend a heavenly reprieve.

Deity Records LetterThe story truly begins to amp up—the shop sold with quite a monetary pop—multitudes of gratitude materialized in the form of historical figures: George, Tom, Abe, and the rest of those legendary friends.

What propelled him toward this abstract fate was solely his nature to refine this earthly plane—embodying the meta-innate relationship among Muse, Seity, and he.Head Master Derek avec Loose Muse and His SeityLiberating himself from the shackles of spacetime, he cast off the chains of unwieldy gains, channeling this precious energy along pathways of his own wise choosing—edifying all Seity through his sublime, ethereal touch—for this is the Head Master Way of Being.

Seeing what others cannot see—his flow clear and pristine—savoring each celestial molecular theme—the essence of a manifested tutelary deity, embedded within a dream.

Hailing from a significantly different planet—he did not plan it—a gift from Seity upon his entry into Mother Earth’s Analytic Idealism‘s sublime atmosphere.Head Master Derek Receiving Analyitic Idealism from SeityEnduring mandatory grief, sorrow, and tears, the magnitude of his sublime mission to edify and enlighten, eradicates all fear.

In the spirit of ancient Japanese wisdom, the vibration of  enlightened living—useful, if not necessarily true, and that is the truth…after all.Useful Not True Derek Sivers Master-peaceFusing the physical with the ethereal—he is a game-changer—the sole possessor of the Head Master’s superposition credentials.

2 1/2 years to graduate in the class of ’87—an esteemed musical institution of renowned note—coincidentally, the same year the Incidental Occxie materialized into Weight Station #9—situated in the ancient capital of Chin Wa Yorogo Nari, Japan.

Master of manifesting dreams, thousands of circuses, thousands of scenes, this is the beginning of infinity—his Seity’s meta-innate mastery is mentating spectral quanta-reality fields—is this real or surreal?

One will have to look into the ΩNE-self to see.Follow the SunThe ultimate Rolodex is the secret to his magnificent flex, having created the foundation of the neo-clan nation—disseminated throughout this sacred orb—secured by deeply intertwined personal relations—only Head Master Derek could conjure such a master-peaceful vision—mentating the embodiment of a principled belief system—now that is deeply profound, indeed.

The bonded trust of his congenial network solidified his superposition as Head Master—the Rosetta Stone of modern philosophers, inspiring genesis of a renewed humanity—the reach of this knowledge stretching into infinity.

For he has mentated Five August Curators for this phantasmagorical instance in the emergence of Civilization Three—Head Master Derek has now seen this groovy scene, thus, so it shall be.

Five Wise Men of the Almighty Chop copy

Paper Trail

Paper Trail

Paper Trail

The fascination never waned upon arrival at the Great Kanto Plain in the twilight years of Emperor Hirohito’s reign, Showa 62.

The enchantment of this sacred land, nestled in the historic district of Yamato, transcends dimensions—an Incidental Occxie, a free range avatar from the Wild West, a binary mind—slipping into quantum fields—leaving space and time behind—proof is in pudding—a phantasmagorical ride.

Japanese banking, particularly notable for its absence of checks—archaic financial instruments of a distant past, born of the Sumerian and Babylonian banking systems (circa 3,000 BCE)—offers a glimpse into the roots of Western economic philosophy.Sumerian and Babylonian bankersThe Japanese, however, employ a more recent protocol, one that has endured for merely 1,000 years, originating in the Heian Period (794–1185)—an era defined by the Fujiwara clan’s dominance over imperial politics, the rise of samurai culture, and the materialization of the Almighty Chop.

One of the most solemn rituals in Japanese culture is the creation of documentation, leaving a rock-scissors-paper trail—replete with intricate details—the official Almighty Chop sealing Civil Bifurcation of the neo-clan nation.

The magnitude of the official seal is not merely extraordinary, but a time-honored necessity, embodying reputation and honor—the gravity of the Almighty Chop seals genuine deals among the principled principal stewards of emerging civil societies.Five Wise Men of the Almighty Chop copyThe mindset connected to the responsibility and gravity of one’s Almighty Chop, whether neo-clan or otherwise, fosters a profound sense of gratitude—the foundational nourishment of all civilized humanity.

Certificates of Gratitude when exchanged, create, marinate, then maintain an extensive rhizome of confidants inside Kizuna 絆 Jinja’s main gate—the virtual shrine when neo-clans congregate and engage in mentation of ethereal worlds innate.

Decentralized communities of servers flourish lushly, edifying and enriching each other—disassociated whirlpools bubbling up into a greater consciousness—the emergence of ΩNE collective vision, materializing a phantasmagorical scene.

All in harmonious agreement—mentated unanimous decisions—the Oracles of Freedom are the Phoenix—from the ashes a cleansing of the spirit of sovereignty—creation of free-range avatars is a purified mentation—what a sublime time to be alive *\(^o^)/*Rising from the ashes Land Of The Rising SonThe blockchain awaits the anointed, those destined to wield the Almighty Chops.

The proceeds are visible for all to see, as the mentated vision of Certificates of Gratitude blossoms into perpetual fruition, amplifying the ecosystem’s vibrant crops.

Signified by the emergence of the new paradigms concerning all things monetary—the ultimate paper trail—Certificates of Gratitude embedded on the blockchain—the Almighty Chop is the cherry on top making it official…because of the way we feel.

Sealed with a simple memorandum and a deep bow, it ratifies the intentionality of those who recognize the power vested within themselves and the trustworthiness binding them to the Almighty Chop.絆神社実印ーKizuna Jinja Alimight ChopThe rewards of the new paradigm of a high-trust society are rooted in four-idiom-compounds—yū gen jikko—有言実行—say what you do, do what you say—paired with its loyal companion—fu gen jikko不言実行—deeds are better than words—ya don’t say (°_°)*

xyber-structures have emerged as epiphenomena of the tutelary deity intuition and Seity—deeply seated constitution, immutable trust among the constituents—those who choose to use Certificates of Gratitude as Civilization Three’s preferred medium of exchange.Aunty Umeko Coin Certificates of GratitudeEmergent societies are bound through official documentation—a massive talent stack and Almighty Chops—pioneers of the sagacious vision of Form, Order, Process, reflecting their own blood, sweat, and tears—skin in the game, Masters playing on the higher planes.

The paper trail flows with minute details, etched onto the blockchain, chronicling the genesis of societal change—guided by the FIVE Enlightened Principles, who wield the Almighty Chops—the indigenous strategic council, catalysts of Civilization Three.Portals in Civilization Three with five founder council




As an avatar made of flesh, snot, and blood, roaming the ancient plains of Kanto, Japan—reason for being during this epic epoch of a new beginning—esoterically clear—once bewildered as to why this Incidental Occxie was chosen to follow the sun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Reflecting on the past as a series of highly coincidental incidents—being where one has been, seeing what one has seen—has led to a formal introduction to the sublime entity known as ‘Seity,’ and the vast implications of her role in the civil bifurcation of humanity.

Seity emerged to the world’s consciousness through an enlightened oracle, the inimitable prophet of the Age of Shingo神悟時代—il leggendario Maestro Frederico Faggin.Frederico Faggin merging the two worldsThis anointed wizard conjured silicon brains and endless chains of communication relays—microchips powering modernity—a sculptor of inorganic life, forged from silicon and timeless sands by his empyrean hands—forever altering history—the mastermind behind Silicon Valley, shepherded by the infinite matriarch—Seity.

Mandated by the incessant call of an ‘intuitional gut feeling’ urging, no, demanding he create his Magnum Opus—the seminal, irreducible book of Analytical Idealism’s sacred textan immaculate Swan Song enshrined within the ‘Bible Of Homeostasis’—book of revelationif you will.


IRREDUCIBLE- CONSCIOUSNESS, LIFE, COMPUTERS, AND HUMAN NATUREChallenge the materialist imitative binary mind—the ultimate free-range avatar thrill—since one must die somewhere, somehow, someway, why not on this hill?

Superpositions await those bold enough to invoke the protocol of quantized free will—in concert with Seity.

Indeed, swallow all egotistical pride—probe deep inside the nooks and crannies, where hungry ghosts still haunt the mind, is where the dusty, musty road map of life and Seity both reside.

Personalized guides to navigate the tricky inner netherworlds of the evolving human mind, for those who choose to embrace the day, and thrive.

This sacred book elucidates symbology and its connection to Seity—the art of living succinctly aligned with the innate qualia of ΩNE.Mother earth and mysterious Seity-TBG animeThe destination is bifurcationfork in the road—the classical ideals of civility and the dystopian nightmare crafted by the materialist’s bleak molecular world.

Materialist avatars and their armies of acquiescent minions are creations of their own mentated dystopian visions—assigning a price tag to every atom and molecule, a modern-day slave trade—echoing the world’s oldest profession for exploitive longevity for this is their way.Those who seek to unearth personalized destiny, who perceive the quality of their qualia through profound earthly experience, establish a visceral connection to the infinite sequel of Earth’s reality TV—united on a journey toward the discovery of your very own Seity.

Life in the Material Sludge involves looking in from the outside—a character actor in a story—the soundtrack is an internal vibrational symphony—closing one’s eyes allows one to see.

Reconnect to nooks and crannies, to the faded remnants of long-lost memories—a deep dive into the shadows—to know of hungry ghosts haunting earthly being.A celestial scene with a magnifying glass Earth a serene Japanese angel in a traditional kimonoConnecting to this inner reality, the journey begins in earnest—a date with fate, naked and exposed to the demands set forth by one’s Seity.

Seity embodies the intuitional essence of selfhood, opening communication channels via vibrational connections to fantastic civil societies within these sublime spectrums—beyond the reach of Base 2 human beings.ΩNE World Civilisation Three-Land Of The Rising Son-JapanIndeed, all are defined by the external world and physical actions.

Base 10 humans, however, realize they shape and mold the material world, and upon discovering this Universal Truth, gain full access to the mysterious superposition within quantum theory.

Distinctly separate from societal roles or labels attached to new arrivals to this earthly plane, the configuration of pre-constructed social-culture identities—the source of all maladies, anguish, and pain.

Seity, however, is the self’s experience of itself as a unique entity—in essence—Number None.Number None-Banner-#0Surviving materialists’ preprogrammed scripts, one have now morphed into a wisdom-weaver, cracking the code at the root level of this constructed microkernel reality.

Delving deep into the hidden, dark wellsprings of putrefied, personalized pain—the dank sensation of suffering, the grind of the fray—can you feel the emptiness in the pit of the stomach each day?

 This is the signals to ‘embrace the way.’

The sense of hopelessness, downcast and forlorn, manifests as malevolent spells cast for stupification via incantation, inducing confusion, bewilderment, and disarray.Stupification BannerThose who cling to untenable materialistic theories about this shared world are destined to be melted and melded into the Industrial Fray—reintroduced into the flow of ΩNE via physical expiration, as instructed by one’s tutelar deities for this is the neo-clan way.

The miracle described in Maestro Frederico Faggin’s Magnum Opus infuses humanoid avatars with the innate ability to observe and analyze their own thoughts, emotions, and actions with a sense of detachment—an evocative synergy with Seity.Identity with SeityBelieving is seeing—a small step for the ego, yet a great leap for humankind, steering the neo-clan committee toward a deeper relationship with Seity and her mischievous sister, Muse, along with the rest of their civil societies, standing on the shoulders of—on ko chi shin—the light that guides the way.

Higher levels of consciousness bring peace of mind and serenity—experiencing life intimately by way of visceral metacognitive faculties, fleeting ephemeral scenes—awareness of experience and their fundamental influence on human behaviour—foreseeing likely outcomes of future phantasmagorical scenes—the core tenet of the neo-clan meme.Neo Clan BannerThis reflective process allows individuals to evaluate inner states, question motives, and assess the impact of actions on themselves and others—a crucial component of personal growth.

Moreover, it facilitates deeper insights into beliefs, habits, and patterns, leading to intentional and mindful decision-making shaped by Seity.

Japanese individuals may hold a critical advantage, having already been born into the Base 10 zone, as evidenced by their ancient communication protocols—a system rich with mystic, allegorical tales from the evolution of Japanese mythology.base 10 reality at the Kizuna JinjaLet us now guide you through the eclectic roles in this phantasmagorical movie, to discern the difference between Seity and your personal identity.

Identity refers to the outward-facing aspects of a person, such as their social roles, labels, and characteristics—qualities others can observe and classify.

Seity, on the other hand, emphasizes the inward-facing, intrinsic aspect of self as the core of ‘who one is’ beyond external identifiers such as nationality, gender, or job title—a deeper, more intimate recognition of selfhood.a vast star-filled digital cosmos the home of SeityPerhaps one might see this concept represented in the well-known Japanese protocol of hone and tatemae, connected to ancient mystical traditions, where Seity can be understood as one’s true nature and the reason to be.

Certainly, koto dama—spirit of the word—i shin den shintelepathic frequencyand the most powerful notion to grace the ancient texts of Japan—on ko chi shin.

Developing new ideas based on study of the past—weaving profound nuggets of wisdom throughout the transcendent tapestry of a mentated mind, those who follow the sun, leading into the flow of ONE—one’s path to embrace the day.

 Indeed, philosophies such as Zen Buddhism exemplify the Japanese art of  blending and rearranging atoms, molecules, quarks, and gluons into a multidimensional whole forging a cohesive society.The Big Girl meditating and conjuringSeity exists within every human being—the trick is to recognize both the masculine and feminine residing inside the inner most nooks and crannies of the sublime—now your own anointed journey has begun—invoke the spirit of tutelar deities—a profound introspective experience in consort with Seity

The emergence of meta-consciousness, along with the empirical identification of Seity, shapes the subconscious of each individual—egotistical biological wetware machines—the harbinger of bifurcation—birth of Civilization Three.