Grandfather Ωmega
Grandfather Ωmega
Good fortune means different things to different people—different strokes for different folks—if you will ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
Indeed, the antiquated adage—fortune favors the bold is a double-edged sword with razor-sharp teeth residing inside the fickle belly of the Lady Fortuna beast—taming this volatile vassal is the essential core of an Idealistic lifestyle—mind of peace inside a serene ephemeral dream.
Tides always turn into the absurd, thus always be redefining this critical word, making sure to give the negative suffix a miss—as adding “mis” to any fortune leads to headaches, heartaches, and disaster.
True fortune is in the locus of the beholder—ban butsu—life in all things—organic, visceral, and surreal—exceptionally good fortune of pure energy had The Little Girl delivering the original Ωmega grandson to Kizuna Jinja Main Gate.
Astral-Sanya entered the Age of Shingo神悟 Zone1界 Way1道—May 4, 2024—initiating the amalgamation of widely dispersed packets of pure energy transformed into a sentient human being.
Called back to homeland Japan, the tutelar deities of his emerging neo-clan anointed his purified soul as his journey is to follow the sun—Under God’s Shadow, so it shall be, as this is the way of ΩNE.
The frequency of Infinite Mother—also known as Muse—is in the potency of her intoxicating elixir fruit-cake juice.
Magic keys opening untold possibilities, for she has anointed you—Astral-kun, as the Incidental Pioneer, potentiating eminence of the burgeoning neo-societies, as you and your phantasmagorical neo-crew unlock ethereal ports and concealed egresses into infinite opportunities of flourishing neo-youth.
Unlike the rigid hierarchical society of the Japanese, life instantly slips into serenity, whenever you are bouncing on Ωmega Grandaddy’s knee.
The mirth and joy embedded in your living, breathing, toy awaits you at honkei of your neo-clan, where we always expect the best of each other—in fine arts, molecular symmetry, or climbing bamboo trees—I know this may be a little much, but then again, soon enough, you will be turning three.
The glorious life of Astra-kun was conjured into molecular existence by his seminal grandmother, christened by Muse—The Big Girl, along with her sub-par Incidental Occxie, a mere prop in her uncanny movie—melodramatic to say the least.
Sanya Ωmega Grandson has been anointed and blessed by Empress Grace via her steely inexorable edictal order:
You are to become the archetypal example of an enlightened rising son ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Reflecting the emergence of prodigious children the unifier manifested as a consecrated concentration of pure consciousness representing flow into ΩNE.
In the immortal words of Infinity Professor Deutsch:
“Give children access to whatever they want to pour into themselves. And pouring is the wrong metaphor, because children create knowledge internally.”
Bifurcation of industrial education initiated by internalization of words of wisdom embedded in a humble 4-character Japanese compound:
on ko chi shin—温故知新—create the future from the past
Learn from the past:
Astral-kun’s ancestors are pioneers, with the mysterious frequency of beloved Aunty Umeko, connecting him directly to her own extraordinary journey, as she too, was destined to follow the sun.
Establishing Tsuda Juku Daigaku, in 1900, she has bequeathed ΩNE a living creative legacy—formal education for the women of Japan—for all girls inside Mother Earth’s world indeed.
A civilized merger of two advanced societies was enjoined by Muse, instructing Aunty Umeko to merge with her visionary counterpart, the esteemed Ms. Alice Bacon; this historical female union having sparked Civilization Three.
Reimagining the Japanese way as timeless Matriculated Female Warriors enter the fray—reminiscent of formative Onna Bugeisha—neo-mothers of modern-day Japan—Culturalized curators of the neo-clan now revealed as a part of Aunty Umeko’s master plan.
Live in the present:
On the maternal side of the tree of life resides Bungaku Mama—Astral-kun’s resilient Great Grandmother, a graduate of Showa Women’s University, quite the feat, a thriver and survivor, a testament to her resilience and durability as the representative of the Yasuda-clan.
Bungaku Mama’s name is now synonymous with a massive paradigm shift, and the accompanying changes happening during the bifurcation—neo-societies reflecting the value of being a homeostatic well-rounded sentient being.
Her spirit of resolve carried her family through the trials and tribulations of post-war Japan—her neo-clan now honors her by establishing the Bungaku Mama Juku-Juku—[文学ママ熟塾].
Her sublime legacy to Great Grandson Astral-kun—bestowing a gift of unconditional love, the foundation of her Civil Cultivation Center—the edification paradigm of Civilization Three.
Plan for the future:
Recently, Muse has brought the future of humanity to Incidental Occxie’s strict attention—the future has now been officially mentioned.
Analytical Idealism has now been firmly planted, spreading its epoch making seeds—perpetually curious children profoundly enchanted—entrust prodigious children to the pedagogical freedom inside the phantasmagorical manifestation of Master Bernardo Kastrup’s prophetic vision and lucid dream.
Master Bernardo’s divinity is reflected in a quirky 4-character Japanese compound—ki men bu sshin—鬼面仏心—Ogre’s Face Buddha’s Heart.
This delightfully cantankerous Master has a double Ph.D—one for the purge—the other for the merge—his brilliance is the sacrosanct wellspring of knowledge—he holds the ultimate key to the inner sanctuary of enlightenment, last stop before the portal to infinity.
At much personal sacrifice, suffice it to say he is a magnificent exemplification for malleable autodidacts to emulate.
All Great Masters heed the wisdom of their tutelar deity—this is the Japanese Way—Master Bernardo, welcome to the Yamato fray.
Knowledge is used as a strategic tactic to advance the emerging neo-civilization, the neo-clan generation embracing the shapeshifting core curriculum of the essence of nature—on ko chi shin always enlightens the way.
The core narration of the neo-clan nation is threaded into the fabric of what it means to be Japanese.
Benefits are aplenty when adhering to the rules in the spirit of flexibility.
Model the innate practicality of the Japanese as embodied in the ingrained protocol of Form Order Process—its ingenious power is the deepest reflection of its inherent simplicity:
learn from the past
live in the present
plan for the future
on ko chi shin
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