Saint Nishizawa Noemi

Saint Nishizawa Noemi

Saint Nishizawa Noemi

Japan has the image of being an insular society, harboring deep suspicions of foreigners and the strangeness of habits and habitats they bring.

Fortunate to have witness vestiges of Old Japan, saliently observed through the eyes of the Meiji-era figure Lafcadio Hearn as—fairyland.

Strange customs and ancient rituals represent the pinnacle of modern civility, enshrined in the rich symbology that has long shaped the Japanese.Japan Map with Ume-chanGlobalization began kicking in, bringing a flood of others from far-flung cultures landing in Japan, from the eight corners of Mother Earth, much to the chagrin and consternation of traditional Japanese society.

As the world turned, the trickle became a torrent—jū nin tō iro protocol「十人十色」ten people, ten colors—an infinite stream—floodgates have been pried open—the Japanese will never be the same.Welcome to JapanThe complexity of Japanese communication leaves most outsiders excluded from the core of Japanese society, unable to access its ancient secrets embedded in ideograms—for to grasp these, one must read Japanese.

Japan’s golden age is reflected in the longevity of its citizens, amidst the reformulation of Japanese neo-society.

The future of Japan is mirrored in the remarkable tale of Saint Nishizawa Noemi, the enigmatic Tairona Empress from the ancient kingdom of Pasto, Colombia.Saint Nishizawa Noemi planning trip to Japan with personal secretaryA challenging superposition was bestowed upon Saint Noemi, 14,200 kilometers from her homeland, as she fearlessly forged a new life in Japan.

Perhaps it was her own Seity guiding her ancient heritage and family’s legacy—gifts from her matriarchal tutelar deities—including an extraordinarily talented son, a trilingual compound-hybrid, the exalted heir to Saint Noemi’s neo-clan—Nishizawa Daniel, the chosen one.

Japan and Columbian unityA notion emerged for unity between the Tairona nation and the neo-Japanese, perhaps coincidental or incidental, like an ethereal movie scene—mentated into reality, thus it has come to be.

The cyber-structure rests upon surreal super-connectedness—conceived, visualized, manifested—as Saint Noemi’s progeny emerges a mentation of a wetware free-range avatar meme—a symbol of the future of humanity.

Wouldn’t you know, when in the state of flow, things become real if manifested with Seity—it’s a deal.Go forth to Japan my sonInfinite possibilities unfold for those who perceive the power of subjectively manifested material worlds—looking more deeply inside the nooks and crannies of the mind allows one to see.

Her son, born in Japan yet not considered Japanese—whatever that may mean—in the ethnocentric nature of this island nation, which refers to mixed children as—half—a misnomer, to say the least—he is trilingual, holds a master’s degree, complete as anyone could be.GraduationSaint Noemi remains loyal to her ancestral Columbians, much like the Japanese, who revere the wisdom of tutelary deities—blending her Tairona spirit of an ancient clan with the stoic Japanese ethos in this harmonious fairyland.

No obstacle could stand in the way of the Empress of the Tairona nation, Saint Nishizawa Noemi, embodies determination and dignity, fusing two great ancient nations into a new paradigm of the neo-communities of Civilization Three.Cheers to Civilization Three


Societal Evolution

Societal Evolution

Societal Evolution

What happened to an isolated island society after wholesale rejection of Christianity after the initial unpleasant entanglement with the envoys of the Vatican during the Jesuits attempt at wholesale subjugation of the Japanese, in one of the earliest incarnation of the emergent civil Japanese nation?

In fact, Japanese society flourished unprecedentedly, creating extraordinary culture unlike any other since the beginning of time—everyone with a place in the community—expectations and humanity’s obligatory mutual obligations to each other—understood clearly and sincerely—ban butsu—infinite life in all things.


This led to an unprecedented period in Earth’s storied history, taking full advantage of this 250-year quiet period—consolidating Yamato culture and society with dignity and stoic wisdom along with the spirit of unbridled creativity, doing so with aplomb.

The transformation out of agrarian adolescence to industrial maturity required a massive reframing of the collective Japanese brain—embracing the monumental magnitude of transforming this cultured ancient society into the pinnacle of advancing civilization, along with everything such a transformation brings.

Achieved through trial and error at great sacrifice and expense to the long suffering common Japanese—colonization and subjugation of all Asian nations by Western resource-focused annexation ended abruptly in its entirety throughout Asia at the conclusion of WWII—this cold hard fact has been permanently chiseled in Pacific Hardcore Asian History.

Unequivocally, the Japanese place a high value on the continuance of education and traditional training—shugyō—riding the winds of the Meiji restorationleveling up the long game sending out an envoy getting up to speed on equal treatment for women, and to check out the higher education thing.

This seminal mission established one of the most extraordinary models of women’s education in the worldTsuda Umeko establishing the pioneering institute of higher learning Tsuda Juku Daigaku.

Here the Japanese reveal themselves as the earliest pioneers of empowering the women of Japan as the matriarchs continue to shape the face of the modern society of the Japanese.

Exemplary examples of grass-root community buildersparagons of advancing civilization a reflection of societal evolution for others to emulatediversity and inclusiveness in a strictly exclusive Japanese protocolknown only asΩNE WAY.

The Japanese are an innately curious race, particularly at the beginning of Meiji, the gunboat diplomacy of the Yankees forcing the Japanese to exhibit extraordinary flexibilityall the way from a serene agrarian nation to the pinnacle of a major industrial player in a few short decadeshow can this possibly be?

Meiji Women looking at the futre

The paramount insight into the Societal Evolution of the Japanese is their immanent ability to integrate artifacts, objects, and things from alien worldsexposing flaws, shoddy workmanship, and inconsistency in philosophy is where the Japanese create hybrid fantastical articles as a primary example of ΩNE WAY reflecting the cohesive society of the Japanese.

Historically, the Japanese are often Shackled by the Past, but as they continue to embrace core Japanese values they continue to advance as the curators of Civilization Three—amalgamating the age of reason with Shotoku Taishi’s principles embedded in this ancient constitution, a genuine reflection of the evolution of the society of the Japanese.

Civilization Three Japan and the symbols of the future sword mirror jewel

Léonie Gilmour

Léonie Gilmour

Léonie Gilmour

Exploring nooks and crannies leads to the discovery of resilient historical figures, continually gratifying innate curiosity leading to a plethora of fascinating things and people to probe and explore.

Amazing women figures continue to appear here and there with incredible stories—this particular story comes from the dawn of the industrialisation of the Meiji era.

Portrait of Leonie Gilmour Uni Student - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

The star of this particular intriguing tale from Meiji comes from the remarkable Léonie Gilmour, an educator, editor and journalist hailing from Manhattan New York—entry to earth’s atmosphere—June 17, 1873.

Exhibiting remarkable academic prowess from early in life, she was one of the few students to pass the Bryn Mawr Women’s College rigorous graduation requirements and was awarded the inaugural four-year college scholarship for her effort.

It was here she first encountered Tsuda Umeko—one of the first Japanese exchange students to American, her first exposure to a native Japanese citizen, a lifelong connection to Japan forever set in motion.

In 1901, she answered a classified advertisement placed by Yone Noguchi, who was a 25-year-old Japanese writer having recently arrived in New York. 

Yone Noguchi-Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Although Noguchi had spent seven years in California and had published two books of English poetry, his language skills were still insufficient to take him to a higher level. 

Léonie became his editor, successfully facilitating Noguchi to publish a fictional diary entitled—The American Diary of a Japanese Girl.

 - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

The relationship may have been a little too successful, as even in those prudish Victorian times, the carnal desires of human flesh could not be denied—Léonie also was Noguchi’s lover, and the mother of Yone Noguchi’s love-child—Isamu Noguchi, the renowned sculptor.

Just as their relationship was waning, Léonie discovered she had become pregnant during the receding days of the relationship, but rather than pressing Noguchi for a reconciliation, she chose to join her mother in Los Angeles, where she gave birth to Isamu.

Portrait of Isamu Noguchi - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

The plot thickens as Noguchi the philandering poet was already engaged to another woman, Ethel Armes—where upon confirming the veracity of the story caused her to canceled her engagement to Noguchi.

Over the next several months, Noguchi induced Gilmour to come to Japan, but by the time she arrived in March 1907, the adulterous Noguchi had become involved with Takeda Matsuko.

Upon hearing the truth about the existence of Takeda Matsuko, Léonie separated from Noguchi in 1909.

Léonie gave birth to her second child, a daughter, Ailes Gilmour, to which this day the father’s identity remains a mystery.

Portrait of Ailes Gilmour - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

In order to support herself and her two children Léonie worked at a Yokohama school, and privately tutored the children of Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo).

Léonie and Ailes continued to reside in Japan until 1920 when they returned to the United States ending up in New York.

Having preordained Isamu to be an artist, she then successfully dissuaded him from attending medical school, redirecting him to his true destiny as an important artist.

Isamu Noguchi- Driven to Create - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

An outstanding individual by any measure, she also co-authored or authored some works attributed to Noguchi, such as The American Diary of a Japanese Girl.

In fact much of Noguchi’s best writing was accomplished with her editorial prowess, and it is questionable whether Noguchi would have achieved his level of success if it were not for her adroit literary and editing skills.

In 2009, filmmaker Matsui Hisako created a film based on Léonie’s life, an unforgettable human drama about fortitude and resilience of this powerful woman in Meiji Era Japan.

An incredible life embodying what it means to be remarkable—the indelible Léonie Gilmour exited earth’s atmosphere—December 31, 1933—goodbye for now dear Léonie, and thank you so very much for your deeply inspirational story.

Leonie Gilmour with Japanese friends and Isamu Noguchi - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Bungaku Mama

Bungaku Mama

Bungaku Mama

One can not help but to reflect deeply upon the extraordinary durability of an innocent girl—Yasuda Eiko, this author’s beloved Mother-in-law—entry into Earth’s atmosphere—September 18, 1939.

文学ママ幼稚 - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

A truly merciless beginning to say the least, during Ms. Yasuda’s toddlerhood, her city was incinerated by the American war machine, using a brand new instrument of subjugation and death; napalm—developed in a secret laboratory at Harvard University in 1942.

Over 40,000 tons of napalm incendiary devices were rained upon all major Japanese cities, and this particular instrument of death and destruction was specifically designed to destroy Japanese civilian houses in the failed attempt to annihilate the entire Japanese civilised foundation.

Greatest man-made disaster in history - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

The Pacific Crusades are reflected in the immortal words of the All American Death Merchant Curtis LeMay.

—“Killing Japanese never bothered me”—

—“If we’d lost the war, we’d all have been prosecuted as war criminals”—

These statement continue to reflect the true nature of the Western Industrial Military Complextheir maniacal philosophy of destruction and carnage of other ways of life and civilization continues unabated as the depraved warmongers stated objective—now officially declared—FreeDumb & Demagoguery.

War Criminals George W Bush - Donald Rumsfeld - Dickwad Cheney - Land Of The Rising Son

Ms. Yasuda was just 5 years-old when Mother Earth experienced the world’s first nuclear holocaust perpetrated by the GHQ upon Japanese civilians, thereby eventually subduing the frisky transitional Japanese nation in that particular epoch of Hardcore History.

Ms. Yasuda was so very fortunate to see her father once again upon his return from the Pacific Crusade—having dodged the proverbial bullet—the gentle soul of Yasuda Eiji—also a victim of circumstance of that day.

安田榮治 - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Fortunately for the young Ms. Yasuda, the resilience of her family shone brightly, their family rebuilding to such a degree they were able to send their only daughter to matriculate at the Showa Women’s University, a rare event in light of the situation of that day.

Graduating in 1962—a year before the author of this article entered Earth’s atmosphere in ’63—she obtain a degree in Japanese literature—thus dignifying the apt moniker—Bungaku Mama.

Bungaku Mama YearBook - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersenseiA highly literate woman full of warmth and knowledge, she received lectures from some of the literary luminaries of the time.

Receiving inspirational guidance from such towering Japanese literary figures such as Ishimori Nobuo, renowned for Kotan no Kuchibue, and the likes of Kusano Shinpei, a seminal poet who was also recognized for distinguished service to the culture of Japan.

草野心平 - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Not only is her comprehension of Japanese language extensive, she is also a highly skilled mahjong player—meeting weekly with her girlfriends who are also soul-mates—living a full vibrant life in the suburbs of Yokohama—83 years-young, spirited, and spry.

One has always been a huge fan of pithy drivel and banal platitudes—thus, the following age-old adage rings daily so ever true:

—when the student is ready the teacher appears—

This wayward boy is so highly honoured to have been chosen for this unprecedented opportunity to receive Enlightenment Events at the knee of the congenial, and oh so powerful Bungaku Mama—internalizing her nuggets of wisdom—while receiving personal lectures from some of the greatest Japanese literary figures—via Bungaku Mama tutelage—in a second generational kind of way.

Bungaku Mama With Masatoshi Kodama - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Enlightenment Event:
The following recording contains the firsthand account of Bungaku Mama’s father’s return from war, the food situation during the war, and her personal encounter with Crown Princess Michiko.



Bacon Sensei

Bacon Sensei

Bacon Sensei

Alice Mabel Bacon—entry into Earth’s atmosphere—February 26, 1858—American East-Coastian daughter of a Victoria era college professor—Alice Bacon was called to Material Sludge duty during Meiji Restoration.

At the end of Sakoku 1.0Bakufu Matsu period—Japanese civilization was encouraged to initiate industrialization—the dominant spawn egged on from the Age of Reason—from where the irreproachable Alice Mabel Bacon came.

Galileo Galilei - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Ms. Bacon is truly a remarkable figure in the spectrum of Enlightened Education—reflecting her altruistic pedagogical notion—enlightened Emerita Professor, in alliance with Tsuda Umeko having created a powerhouse civilized union.

Two foundational women responsible for wedding the Age of Reason to the sacred  Japanese Way—two pure hearts beating as the ΩNE catalyst—stoking evolution of human edification—embodying the notion of kaizen—incrementally enhancing life in all—ban butsu.

If ever in doubt where to start a story, or anything for that matter, start from the Beginning Again.

In 1872 Mori Arinori, an influential figure on the Iwakura Mission, selected Alice‘s family as one of the earliest examples of an overseas homestay.

Arinori Mori - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

In this particular instance, a twelve-year-old Japanese student of the Meiji Restoration, (Yamakawa Sutematsu) was united with her puritanical sisterly brethren, Alice Mabel Bacon representative of the burgeoning North American Union.

Keep in mind, this was the Genesis of Civilization 3.0—when the Meiji government sent five girls for an overseas excursion + edification as part of the Legendary Iwakura Mission.

Iwakura Mission - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

ΩNE can only surmise as to the wonders these girls felt for each other—marvelling at their distinctively bifurcated cultures—revealed via the love of edification and learning—illuminated over the fleeting notion of a single decade—in essence merely an ephemeral rhyme.

Undoubtedly, this exclusive insider knowledge into the mind of a Japanese Meiji era teenager prepared Alice Bacon for the coming superlative experiences—forging Alice Bacon’s legacy as the Occxie counterpart to Tsuda Umeko—visionaries of Feminine Erudition—revealed through pathways inside the spectrum of the exalted and sublime.

In 1888, Bacon Sensei manifested Grace in the form of an invitation to Japan, originating from her homestay bosom-buddy, Princess Oyama Sutematsu, with a CC to her Spirit-Sister Tsuda Umeko, and when ask to come, Alice stated unequivocally “Yes, I can.”

Sutematsu Alice Ukeko Shigeko - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Her initial excursion was as a language instructor at Gakushuin Women’s School, where for the first time she saw with her own two eyes—in what has been described by another Meiji luminary by the name of Patrick Hearn: Fairyland.

Did Bacon Sensei have one iota of an inkling, she and her spiritual sister Aunty Umeko would resolve into ΩNE unified prodigious Women Educator shining beams of light into the darkness of ignorance and mental poverty—extension of knowledge—edification into ban butsu—with humility, dignity, and boundless civilized reach.

Unequivocally, her inaugural experience of Japan was a profoundly formative ΩNE—observing the idiosyncratic nature of Japanese society—the manifestation of most curiously profound communal notions—in actuality, standard protocol of the Japanese.

Japanese Meiji Era Women - Land Of The Rising Son

What did Japanese society look like in the year of Meiji 21—through the baby-blue eyes of this Occxie Puritanical Girl—the anointed ΩNE.

The Way of the Japanese seemed quite shocking at first, for dear Alice Bacon was raised as a nondenominational puritanical Christian.

For certain there were times when Alice undoubtably felt a little bewildered on the initial trip—for this exquisite fairyland is certainly reminiscent of a novel by Lewis Carrol—whose main character, as a matter of fact, and just like beloved Alice Bacon, also had a marvellous trip inside a metaphysical surreal wonderland.

Alice in Wonderland - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Truth be known—through understanding the consequence of Alice Bacon’s lifework—ΩNE has come to appreciate her having successfully transcended the withering notion of monotheism.

Through the serendipity of having been spiritually enriched much more deeply she thought possible, if not for her visceral  experiences in this series of islands that is called Japan.

The fundamental innate notion of the Japanese embodies Infinite Truth—the notion of ban butsu—life in all.

The Japanese archipelago is favored with a plethora of hot springs due to the volatile volcanic nature of her geography.

Japanese Volcano - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Since the beginning of time, communal bathing is standard operating procedure inside the community of Japan.

Imagine the East Coastian American girl, stripped of her wear naked and vulnerable—her spirit and soul laid bare, in the women’s bath—where she was to share Japanese style cleanliness, with her Japanese compatriots in the mysterious hinyari chilly night air.

Perhaps this is where the feminine Alice discovered and embraced her authentic corporeal tendency, while soaking up the uncanny Japanese notion—the genuine Meaning of Love.

Filial piety - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Several years later, in April 1900, Bacon Sensei was invited back to Japan to help establish the Joshi Eigaku Juku, the forerunner of Tsuda University, then, finally returning to her ancestral home of Connecticut in the spring of 1902exiting Earth’s atmosphereMay 1, 1918.

Bacon Sensei’s divine mission-accomplished was the successful merging of her puritanical soul and the spirit of Aunty Umeko fruiting into modern Japanthe creator of Civilization Three.

Modern and ancient Japan all together now - Land Of The Rising Son

Maggie May Way

Maggie May Way

Maggie May Way

It is a rare mammal fortunate enough to have been assigned to such an extraordinary mother, whose name is Maggie May—time of entry into Earth’s atmosphere—August 24, 1940.

Marg on cloud - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Growing through childhood, ΩNE saw Maggie May as somewhat of a normal kind of Occidental mother.

Margaret Circa 1958 -  - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Raised by the dainty and sweet-meek Christina Primrose Addison, and her deeply self-matriculated spouse Alistair Kean Richardson in a large city, and then in a pristine area of Northern British Columbia.

Al and Chrissy with Marg as toddler - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

The summers were divine, like fine delicious Shuswap Wine, but the penalty for these snippets of paradise was extremely harsh winters.

Frozen face of a beautiful girl  - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Undoubtably, several months in a row of Arctic-like temperature with the numbers far far below the Celsius freezing point, which in case ya’ll didn’t know, is set to ZERO.

Deep within her was an eloquent survival mechanism—forge in a small cottage, with a wooden stove, and an outhouse for relief—what’s for breakfast today Chrissy—oh, same old porridge, again and again.

Red River serial - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Maggie May had droves of trials and tribulations to scrutinize her fortitude and resolve, along with the subconscious desire to forge a new destiny for her Clan, thus Maggie May is among the greatest leaders of any Awesome Fam.

Always introspective and judicious in her motherly duties, she was so very comforting when a downtrodden elementary 3rd grade student came crying home from school.

A drooling government employee was having a bad hair and foul breath day, taking it out on a random victim in an abominable way.

Catholic Nun Corporal Punishment - Land Of The Rising Son

Hint٩(ε )۶Mint 

This is know as yatsu atari.

If ΩNE is looking to advance in any meaningful way, always best to avoided yatsu atari like the plaguefor if not doing so—consider yourself like the plague, but worseto be dealt with accordinglysmothered in warm-sticky-gooeyfuzzy-tree-huggingdeep-seated-judiciousnotion of exacting unconditional Love.

I DON’T LOVE YOU, I LIKE YOU A LOT -  - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Whether divine intervention or pure coincidence, the powerful Way of Maggie May came into full play—in this momentous instance, Maggie May also happened to be Chairperson of the local school-board for several years, including on that particular day.

At the end of the Mal Matriculation school year—this han-men-kyō-shi (poor-example-do-not-follow) was sent along into another dead-end hallway—good riddance to parasites was the marching order of that day.

Nepotism - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Was this due to Maggie May’s clout pulling strings behind the scenes when she was out and about—one thing to make absolutely clear—for all those who need to hear—this scenario is highly unlikely, as nepotistic usage of power is simply not the Maggie May Way.

Maggie May was always of the mind to talk things through—just between me and you—she always made sense on cue—verbally in a charming way—when her immature children went astray.

That was until the water-balloon play day ʅ)ʃ

water-balloons - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersenseiAt 10¢ a pop, there’s nothing quite like a two-story drop—launch pad being little sisters innocent double bed alongside the windowsill—harbinger of a ghastly inevitable mega flop, in other words—slooshy slop.

After observing Maggie May diligently cleaning and scrubbing the house, in anticipation of city relatives arriving that day—the rebellious mega water balloon acted like an out of control buffoon—deciding to bequeath its watery treasure to little sisters now soggy soaked mattress, that fateful, and meaningful day.

This one off occasion is where she decided to remind her fine son, via a hand carved maple wooden spoon, containing tart stings, to emphasize and internalize the folly of this clandestine mischievous behaviour of water-balloon fun.

Maple wooden spoon - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Each of the seven sharp reminders was iterated poignantly by the sting of the spoon—she made it crystal clear—valid reasons for ΩNE’s well deserved tears, and what exactly she thought, of the tragic tale of the wayward water-balloon, and its accomplice—a 10-year-old mini-buffoon.








Then, ΩNE was sent away for a deeper ponder and wilderness wander, therefore, thank you kindly Maggie May—sometimes tough love facilitates edification, thus growth into a more rounded humanistic way.

What about Chip On Shoulder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The notion of Chip On Shoulder is something Maggie May rejects outright—urging all Other to quickly do the same.

Incessant churring of unpleasant murky past narration, remains the antithesis of the benevolent heart and rock solid constitution—the unshakable foundation of the Maggie May Way.

Bleeding Hearts - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

The past cannot be changed, yet there is freedom to think about life in a different style, sharper angle, a different perspective—how about starting to love ONESELF—a unique Infinite journey—start now today. 

For it was her beloved husband, and the situation from whence he came—he soothed his weary and restless soul using the common protocol of medicating emotional suffering with large amounts of alcohol.

In order to properly mitigate this niggling issue, and as the family glue, she took it upon herself to study alcoholism from a practical self-matriculated point of view.

Over the next 10 years, starting with correspondence and night classes at Okanagan college, she then graduated from a prestigious university, a phycologist with the authoritative power and fortitude to understand those who are suffering, and bring the past to heal. 

University of Victoria diploma - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei
Not all mammals are honoured to have such an exemplary example—seeing ΩNE’s mother retreat upstairs after long days—more countless hours at her simple desk—deep inside the nooks of books—whisking her to Infinity Space—vision for the human race—the Muse dictating the pathways of faith.

Not to say the word proud out loud, as pride always comes before the fall from vainglory.

Marg grad picture with Meiji and Katsuo - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

However, in this miraculous instance, the truth must be told, this boy wandering in the Land Of The Rising Son, could not be more honoured to have originated from her sublime DNA—her divine notion of self-matriculation intrinsic motion— inculcated at the benevolent knee of sweet Maggie May.

Master Disciple - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei


Talk to a stranger *\(^o^)/*

One of the most important lessons at the knee of Maggie May, was the Emotion Notion to engage with strangers, establishing channels while modulating the Universal Love Frequency—the ΩNE truth of humanity.

Maggie May Education Story 01 - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

Maggie May Education Story 02 - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei