Saint Nishizawa Noemi

Dec 28, 2024Blog, Inspiration, Woman Power

Japan has the image of being an insular society, harboring deep suspicions of foreigners and the strangeness of habits and habitats they bring.

Fortunate to have witness vestiges of Old Japan, saliently observed through the eyes of the Meiji-era figure Lafcadio Hearn as—fairyland.

Strange customs and ancient rituals represent the pinnacle of modern civility, enshrined in the rich symbology that has long shaped the Japanese.Japan Map with Ume-chanGlobalization began kicking in, bringing a flood of others from far-flung cultures landing in Japan, from the eight corners of Mother Earth, much to the chagrin and consternation of traditional Japanese society.

As the world turned, the trickle became a torrent—jū nin tō iro protocol「十人十色」ten people, ten colors—an infinite stream—floodgates have been pried open—the Japanese will never be the same.Welcome to JapanThe complexity of Japanese communication leaves most outsiders excluded from the core of Japanese society, unable to access its ancient secrets embedded in ideograms—for to grasp these, one must read Japanese.

Japan’s golden age is reflected in the longevity of its citizens, amidst the reformulation of Japanese neo-society.

The future of Japan is mirrored in the remarkable tale of Saint Nishizawa Noemi, the enigmatic Tairona Empress from the ancient kingdom of Pasto, Colombia.Saint Nishizawa Noemi planning trip to Japan with personal secretaryA challenging superposition was bestowed upon Saint Noemi, 14,200 kilometers from her homeland, as she fearlessly forged a new life in Japan.

Perhaps it was her own Seity guiding her ancient heritage and family’s legacy—gifts from her matriarchal tutelar deities—including an extraordinarily talented son, a trilingual compound-hybrid, the exalted heir to Saint Noemi’s neo-clan—Nishizawa Daniel, the chosen one.

Japan and Columbian unityA notion emerged for unity between the Tairona nation and the neo-Japanese, perhaps coincidental or incidental, like an ethereal movie scene—mentated into reality, thus it has come to be.

The cyber-structure rests upon surreal super-connectedness—conceived, visualized, manifested—as Saint Noemi’s progeny emerges a mentation of a wetware free-range avatar meme—a symbol of the future of humanity.

Wouldn’t you know, when in the state of flow, things become real if manifested with Seity—it’s a deal.Go forth to Japan my sonInfinite possibilities unfold for those who perceive the power of subjectively manifested material worlds—looking more deeply inside the nooks and crannies of the mind allows one to see.

Her son, born in Japan yet not considered Japanese—whatever that may mean—in the ethnocentric nature of this island nation, which refers to mixed children as—half—a misnomer, to say the least—he is trilingual, holds a master’s degree, complete as anyone could be.GraduationSaint Noemi remains loyal to her ancestral Columbians, much like the Japanese, who revere the wisdom of tutelary deities—blending her Tairona spirit of an ancient clan with the stoic Japanese ethos in this harmonious fairyland.

No obstacle could stand in the way of the Empress of the Tairona nation, Saint Nishizawa Noemi, embodies determination and dignity, fusing two great ancient nations into a new paradigm of the neo-communities of Civilization Three.Cheers to Civilization Three