Declaration of Interdependence
The Way starts upon entry into Mother Earth’s atmosphere—whenever, whoever, wherever the hanafuda ΩNE has been dealt may lay.
The first in a series of hands to be played out over and over again—welcome to the gamification of life—Bet On Yourself
Traditions throughout the globe are as varied as a boat load of Delights of the Sea—formulating all society—materializing mundane earthly instances—functioning as harbingers of Earth’s future—ΩNE only needs to open up and look around—with the intention and desire to see.
The evolution of Japanese society saw this cloistered nation— formulated by a strictly enforced meticulous class structure—birthing into the Meiji Restoration—creating a most miraculous and significant events within all of recorded Hardcore History.
This is where Japan innately industrialized their nation, showing the world Japanese people’s constitution—sending out the Iwakura Mission currying friendly relations with the industrial powers of that day.
Regardless of the inevitable growing pains during the coming-of-age ceremony—now understood to be the birth of Civilization Three—the nation of Japan having never wavered from its foundational principals of Form Order Process.
Unbeknownst fact to Others—Japan is united by the notion of Universal Oneness—evidenced by the successful creation of the Declaration of Interdependence—hereby enshrining the tenets of Civilization Three—further advancing common humanity—absent of racial superiority—null and void of dogma leading to the subjugation of others—which in essence is the foundation of inequity.
Check the following declaration for a self-reflective mirror check and see if any of these items reflect back to resonate and reverberate deep inside of thee.

All pathway of success lies on the Road Less Traveled, while letting the Muse loose, creating ΩNE’s own Way and a fascinatingly unique place under the Sun.