Dilbert Sensei

Dilbert Sensei

Dilbert Sensei

Skidding off the trans-Pacific jet airliner in the late ’80s, a wayward autodidact unwittingly found himself in an isolation chamber, far, far from what used to be home-sweet-home—some might even say he had been abandoned, forlorn, left to ponder on his own.

The countryside of rural Kanto Plain, might seem like a mysterious landscape, or, as Lafcadio Hearn described in the Meiji Era, Japan—a vibrant, ethereal community at the opposite spectrum of infinity, ascertained to be a well-preserved fairyland—an ancient, advanced ideogram symbology of the homogeneous civil Japanese.Fairyland Japan 1987Crossing into the farthest reaches of the Far East at just 23, demolished all previously constructed realities, flipping the Incidental Occxie instantly into a functional illiterate, who could neither speak, write, nor read Japanese.

This somehow seemed fitting—to have landed in this unique zone, indeed a superposition where one could strive to become Number None—the wayward autodidact edition of a free-range avatar.A fantastical scene featuring a wayward autodidact samurai

So, fairyland it is, then—leading to the elimination of the Big Three: newspapers, radio, and the worst offender, putting the mind in a permanent bender—the stupification tool of the powers that be, the ubiquitous idiot box, otherwise known as Tee-Vee.

Then, out of nowhere, endless streams of wisdom came, disguised as bits and bytes—data shooting out like a photon of enlightenment—right out of thin air.

Loops of infinity A self-reflective instrument, a gift from Muse and her mysterious sister Seity, arriving just in the nick of time to rectify the dearth of syllabus, and the absence of meaning.

Having only detected Dilbert Sensei’s signal pulsating vaguely, yet through a mentation event he is now vibrating judiciously, a humorous astute musings about the meaning of life.

The unfolding a deeply philosophical take on what’s going down inside the phantasmago rical ride of the American Dream.

Beyond the brilliance of his mind-melting, astute observations about life as a cubiclized avatar inside the material sludge vibe—lies juicy director’s cuts, a sneak peek behind Dilbert Sensei’s surreal animated ride—cheers, it coffee time.Samurai drinking coffeeJust recently, the mentation idealism method became clear, thus a reality—Dilbert Sensei stated inside a lucid dream, “My material existence in this disassociated state was created inside my mind from the age of eight,” he said to himself innately—a simulated future within a slice of time—embedded in distant memories—the essence of the sublime.

The treasure of ideas inside the nooks and crannies of Dilbert Sensei’s esoteric mind has been laid out in the form of adroit books as a personal guide—exploring the nooks and crannies of the evolving human condition—seekers hooked into the deepest of dives of a brain reframe to regenerate the narrative of one’s own life.

The secret revealed in another phase of this real deal has set the stage to persuade with vital skill and expertise in hypersonic, hypnotic acumen—mixing and matching Dilbert Sensei’s massive talent stack, his sharp-as-a-phacken-tack recommendations for the formulation of a frustration-free toolkit, his Seity manifesting practical wisdom, the foundation of Civilization Three.Scott Adams Book covers

Geekfest ‘89

Geekfest ‘89

Geekfest ‘89

Following the sun in isolation as a young man in the countryside of Japan made character development the mandatory default mode.

Emerging from the binary world of Occidental tradition, turning this Incidental Occxie’s worldview topsy-turvy—in what the seminal Meiji renaissance man Koizumi Yakumo (Lafcadio Hearn) referred to as ‘fairyland.’

Lafcadio Hearn in FairylandThe fundamental notion of going with the flow, emboldened by a curious nature, created a life of exploration—facing the perplexing mysteries hidden inside the nooks and crannies of the ancient civilization of Yamato—a coincidental journey—be Japanese.

The serendipitous timing of the personal computer revolution and its optimal solution emerging from burgeoning technology, was a welcome reprieve from the daily fray—offering a connection to the vanishing world of yesterdays and glimpses into the future every day.

In the early days of Apple in Japan, the first computer came via the Canon salesman—Macintosh IIci, Hewlett-Packard DeskWriter C, and Photoshop 1.0 to begin creating digital art—1.5 million yen for this innovative technology in 1989 sounded like a true bargain right from the start.

First set up '89The evolution of this novel technology was breathtakingly quick with the introduction of the World Wide Web for the common plebs—deep gratitude to the visionary Timothy Berners-Lee—dialing up at 9,600 baud (bits per second)—a formidable badge of honor, earning the coveted title—‘you are such a geek.’

A delightful story from ‘fairyland’ in other words Japan as Civilization Three—KDD (Kokusai Denshin Denwa), the government monopoly on international telecommunication, charged ¥1200 for every 3 minutes which, the Japanese refer to as ‘bottakuri.’

Kokusai Denshin Denwa bottakuriThe cost of international telecommunication dropped like a rock, and with the advent of high bandwidth, overseas dialing became basically free.

The next phase in the unprecedented miracle of an incidental geek’s evolution came while participating in the social network flavor of the day, pining for true unconditional love, companionship, and mutual respect as hallmarks of the neo-clan way.

Indeed, as sure as the sun shines off puddles after torrential rains, the Goddess of Fortune came to rescue the wayward autodidact once again.

Insta brideThe ennui of solitude was suddenly alleviated when a curious lady from the historic city of Yokohama sent a message, claiming she was sent to rescue this wayward boy from the drudgery of material sludge, arranging a melding of minds packed inside the fateful first date.

Handy, silicon-based personal assistants and their ability to handle critical tasks have killed off the archaic ways of commerce with free markets becoming the future of civilized societies across the full spectrum of humanity is clearly now at hand.AI takes tech jobsSharing skills, know-how, and capabilities between emerging communities is the fundamental principle of the neo-clans, with the evolution of technology deepening the connection among emerging global neo-societies.

The continued metamorphosis of the Japanese is in the creation of Japanese style modernity—maintaining their ancient traditions, the Japanese remain unique among all nations—‘on ko chi shin’—is the guiding principle enlightening the Japanese Way.





Dropping the name of a famous Ivy League university is supposed to be a powerful calling card, and for the Japanese, the importance of the almighty meishi cannot be understated.

Having only heard about what are known as the ‘Ivy League,’ the filters surrounding these institutions were to be observed with some kind of reverence, and the output of such institutions is for the good of all humanity.

Thus, a Harvardtard graduate, hailing from the crumbling city of Detroit, Michigan, chose to jump into a commercial conversation with his Ivy League credentials, which represented his entire life’s narrated story.

Detroit as dystopia It is not what you know, but who you know; an open secret to piles of dough—consider it a well-established protocol in what used to be hallowed halls, now reduced to stupifaction indoctrination centers, the lowest of the low.

This Harvardtard bro, also the leader of a quirky group of business people who named themselves ‘fruits in suits,’ happened to be connected to the world of telomeres in the grand city of New York.

telomeres merging with the grand city of New YorkInstantaneously, the molecule trader instincts kicked in, quickly developing curiosity about these emerging health and welfare technological trends, along with the desire to be a catalyst for the continuing health and longevity of a vibrant neo-community of Japanese.

The first meeting was a wash, as Harvardtard bro was mixed up over and over again, unable to read time or the schedule on a calendar—three changes, and then you are out, and this is where the story continues, soon to end.

The final failure of this fatally flawed project was the absence of mind and missing the all-important meeting with the powers that be overseas, who were holding the keys to the telomeres scene.

This concludes the tale of the Harvardtard bro, who called himself ‘a fruit in a suit,’ to fade away, never to be seen again.

It matters not where you came from, it matters who you are todayThe second grave disappointment and new fly in Harvard’s ointment was the failure to understand that all who aspire to reach much higher are standing on the shoulders of giants, or so Sir Isaac has opined.

We must be reverent of those who went before and made modern life extraordinary, to reflect and build upon ideas that have stood the test of time—this does not include this particular institution’s president, who is also a red-handed plagiarist, for which Harvard has received serious black eyes.

two black eyesThe last act in this egregious, shameful Harvardtard theater is the malady of stagnation and politicization of such a highly regarded academic institution—an utterly unforgivable protocol that couches itself as a center of ‘higher learning with a moral code.’

The magnitude of Harvard’s failure ignited a discussion about the intentional suppression of intellectual  freedom and the corrupt, entrenched power structures within not just Harvard, but amongst a broad swath of universities in perpetual decay.

The brilliant minds trapped inside stagnating education schemes are soon to be released; corruption of knowledge eventually dies, only to be naturally replaced.

break free from the chainsRegeneration of the way of matriculation—the neo-prototype phase of the reconstitution of education, with unprecedented paradigm shifting, is now complete and on its way.

Bungaku Mama Juku Juku, a luminous example of the future of education, folded into beams of brilliant light showing the way.津田大学と梅子先生の弟子達Knowledge and reach, the vision to see—humanity jumping into the flow—outside the industrial fray.

As for this decomposing university and the stupefied Harvardtard graduates, experts with ‘4-year degrees’—along with a gaggle of administrative minions enacting a vulgar charade.

The world looks on you with a deep sense of shame and distrust, a cesspool of corruption—Harvard’s just reward is nothing more than a much-deserved failing grade.






Intentional stupification straight out of the starting gate—instantiated into this viscous, visceral, material sludge called earth—animated as a humanoid avatar—drawing the short end of the stick, an unwilling participant in the nascent industrial education complex petri dish—and through this, someone somewhere at others’ expense got rich.

The proof is in the Yorkshire pudding, as this trending old adage reads—the first acrid taste of industrial evil is all that remains to be said.

Proof in puddingElementary school, two classes of grade ones—who was in charge of the curriculum matters not—what is important is the origin of such a malicious plot—the ancillary minions of the industrial overlords stupified one class, the other one not.

Wickedness circa ’69, malignant indoctrinated government employees programmed in autocratic mal-matriculated ways—clearly related to the abhorrent human mind disease and the accompanying spirit of decay.

Those who cannot read are destined to a life of peonage and its attending misery, you see.

The child miners of Congo - Land Of The Rising SonA novel reading system for the implementation of stupification using the protocol Initial Teaching Alphabet (ITA)—a piss-poor way to start an academic life—regardless, embrace the day.

The abject failure of sub-standard instructors left this experimental class far behind, in essence, left for dead—in the blink of an eye, a merciless jackboot from behind—off to grade two with no reading skill, and no clue.Elementary Grade One-November 3 1969All the worse yet, there was no time to hone poetic prowess, therefore, to opine about the meaning of life and what it means to become Master Robert Greene’s follower, thus joining the ranks of the sublime.

Robert Greene and his disciples
Problems perpetually seething, then bubbling up, culminating in a massive blackhead full of sycophants and cucks—pusillanimous juveniles in adult skin getting schooled by small children in whom curiosity, doubt, and reason are inherent, where all authentic stories begin, by now this should be apparent.

The fact remains, we are not the same; willful ignorance and tyrannical malice are to be challenged, every step of the way.

It matters not what is inscribed in the playbook of mediocrity—the epitome of lifelessness, ignorance, and banality of ‘teachers’—early representatives of the industrial educational indoctrination F Team.

Crazy Teachers
Such a story can take any of many forks in the road, appearing in the nooks and crannies of emerging civilized humanity.

The foundational universal principles of Maggie May and her timeless protocol—‘embrace the day’—is what she used to say, to wipe this wayward autodidact’s raging tears away.

A chip on the shoulder, a pep in the step, induced by this early industrial grind—led to a satisfying protocol of the practical, and oh so very useful kind.

A pivotal moment of clarity is the notion to follow innate curiosity—she guides y0u to where you are supposed to be—mentation of things manifestly seen—each seity, a distinctive way—‘embrace the day.’

無知蒙昧ー反面教師Internalize Japanese until the phacken eyes bleed; this untamed wild beast must speak, read, write, and feel Japanese.

Muse penetrates stupified souls by showing the intent and purpose of life’s game—a wisp of fairy dust into the eyes, so as to see life in all things—万物—much more intelligibly.

Muse with children 温故知新Throughout the nooks of random books, inside the crannies of the mind—ancient philosophers embrace modern times—hallowed halls of immortal wisdom and emergent knowledge—potent antidotes initiating de-stupification of a weary, exploited, enfeebled mind.

The never-ending flow of consistent methodology drawing from the well of the river of infinity—creation of an ideal situation, as you will soon see, fortifying all theories of renewed sentient beings.


Platitude Power

Platitude Power

Platitude Power

The spirit of the word, imbued with magical power, becomes highly valuable when embracing the day—enlist the societal grease of platitudes and its best bro bromides, new best-friends, if you will.

Strategic tactical control over language exiting the mouth is a powerful futuristic tool.

Engage emotional intelligence to straddle the fence between serenity and the psychopathological frequencies of viral emotional contamination inside the material fray.

serenity in the world

A command of the beloved mother tongue, a reflection of the value of meaningful communication instilled by Really Great Grandmother via her extraordinary granddaughter Maggie May—a rock-solid starting position for the Richardson side of the family’s mushrooming neo-clan.

A quirky supposition for astute and wise observers to have a productive, meaningful chew through to check and see if this is for you.

Internalize Japanese to reserve a room with a panoramic view—unseen frequencies of Japanese communication protocol grant unfettered access to the magnificent ancient world of the Japanese—way of knowledge—way of reach—way of civility—imbued within Civilization Three.

Civilization Three Japan and the symbols of the future sword mirror jewelJapanese fluency comes with the task of ideogrammatic visualization of all possibilities in accordance with the architecture of ancient Japanese whimsical communication units, not unlike ancient nooks and crannies in some kind of ephemeral dream-like fantastic theme.

Muse might have to get mean if getting stuck between two different worlds—not a part of either, remaining in the realm of the foreboding—nihongo jozu desu ne.

A sad dystopian story—not committed to go all the way, is grounds for disqualification today—effort poor—shown the door—relegated to the dreaded peewee farm team—start from the beginning again ʅʃ

Truly, Japanese is replete with nuggets of ancient wisdom running deep inside this esoteric Japanese cultural streaming system.

Pick a theme—make a meme—wait and see—what will be—seeding each other’s neo-gardens—living, breathing, creating a carnal afterglow inside the endless flow into ΩNE.

Indeed, the simplicity lies in the power, so to speak, not some kind of superior aural mastery, but to serve as the grease of Japanese society—okage sama deUnder God’s Shadow—the primary example—how could it be any other way.

Under God's Shadow BannerPerhaps platitudes come with an attitude, and in this, one must be careful not to come off as a disingenuous doofus who cannot “read the air.”

In the Japanese mind, truisms are a strategic communication unit of an esoteric ancient kind, developed over millennia like many excellent Japanese techniques, a highly-stylized and refined way to carry oneself and to eloquently speak.

Japanese people using their minds to strategic communication Japanese ancient theories

Understanding the power of platitudes, how they are inextricably linked to molecule manipulation mastery—creating profound Muse-induced community vibration inside an emerging energy field of renewed humanity.

The finality of this unsolicited soliloquy is in the fundamental nature of sprites and spirits imbuing words—platitudes & bromides—axioms & adages—signify linguistic adaptability and aptitude, navigating the volatile trajectory inside the cacophony of modern society as you embrace the day.

Boy and girl embracing the day

Disastrous Mouth

Disastrous Mouth

Disastrous Mouth

The Japanese have a pithy expression aimed at avoiding the verbal quagmire of the highly volatile freedom of speech, with the liberty to interpret any exchange in a deeply personalized manner to be taken every which way, and loose—口は災いの元kuchi wa wazawai no moto.

Many moons ago, an outstanding filter was gifted from beloved Muse, however, in the heat of verbal battles, inside the plethora of indistinguishable incomprehensible mundane extraordinarily trite themes—oral decorum becomes distorted in an all around ugly scene.

Disastrous MouthIs it kind, necessary, and true—internalizing this san-ten-setto leads to no regret, now a Master communicator and orator, when understanding what lies beyond the wisdom of commonsense.

The urge to merge—Kind-Necessary-True—with FormOrderProcess—leaves not much left, but one small step—and without further ado—a gift from us to you—the evolution of creative communication solutions.

Kind Necessary True Mere with Form Order ProcessWhen this highly sophisticated protocol is ignored, an overabundance of anguish, pain, and their manipulative nefarious friend, mental torture arrive with the preachers and the choir.

A deeply emotional serenade, a skipping record playing the same old song over and over again—being chided while guided—excruciating punishment meted out, it’s a matter of course—brought to task for blatant disregard of the cordial civility enshrined in Japanese communication protocol.

A diverse and inclusive interstellar choir singing in unison with a preacher conducting them. The choir includes aliens, fairies, and elves, all harmoAnnihilate incessant amplification, and its worse mate, cacophony—a manifestation of a viral infestation, consuming a narrowly defined spectrum of a decaying humanoid mind.

The dissonant discord of raspy-throated humanoid noise pollution is reflected in the failure of modern communication systems—cans of germs create fantastical delusion couched as the verified solutions according to the forked-tongued servile minions.

Mitigate the sulphuric acid taste of astringent verbiage, the toxic waste pit kind, moribund products of linguistically decaying artifacts still haunting modern primordial man.

A scene featuring rustic goblets filled with acrid vapors pouring from the mouth of a suspect chalice. The goblets are old and worn, made of rough metThe Japanese innately know the mouth is the fountain of all disasters—more often than not, the Japanese default to the standard protocol of tatemae—maintaining a facade of socially constructed harmony—as it goes—so life flows—internalize this to see—you too can think like the Japanese—a rock-solid 100% money-back guarantee.

This could really be why the Japanese communication protocol is a game of hidden meanings, inside subtle intonation, ambiguity, and the paramount societal position of each Japanese.

Bound to ancient esoteric communication protocol embedded inside what it means to be Japanese, expressed via extraordinarily beautiful non-verbal communication tools with the ability to reach deep into the past via the culturally rich kanji.

Gain Wisdomー温故知新

For within the Japanese zone they have a visceral historical precedence, strict enforcement of their communication protocol—know your position while edifying all—make sure to not lose your head—the mouth is the source of disaster—that is all.

Once upon a time in Edo Japan, a slip of the tongue got the sideways glance to be met with a visceral real feel of the renowned samurai steel.

A phacken bloody mess, early death, returning to the bosom of the tutelar deity of your neo-clan—the disasters spewing from the mouth flowing to the final destiny.

All disasters spewing from uncontrollable pie-holes—leads to a mediocre destinations for those who fail to gain a semblance of control—loose lips elicit the markings of an untamed beast, and the resultant bore, bears out the cold hard facts—your life is an all-around abject failure—start from the beginning again.

A confrontation on the streets of Edo between an obnoxious drunk rogue and a noble samurai. The scene is set at night, with traditional Edo period arc

Coming from a long line of clever witty conversationalists, gabbers extraordinaire—some innate traits can never be changed, thus, those in this whimsical conversation class must reframe cultural communication codes by internalizing the spirit of the word for they lurk everywhere and hold one of the keys to mastery—this is the way.

Making the transition from a loudmouth full of self opinionated news-cycle driven—brainwashing runs deep, and in this, there is leeway for a slight modicum of forgiveness.

In the realm of humor, disaster from the mouth is always waiting like a dim-witted smartypants anticipating a second chance to ruin the perfect day—lurking inside the shadows of a former-self, just one innocuous blunder away.

A solemn and realistic scene emphasizing the message to 'watch your mouth.' The image shows a person with a ticking time bomb in their mouth, symboliz

Engaging strangers at Meiji Shrine with Sunshine Lover on a brilliant sunny day, an Occxie lass from the British Isles inside the conversation actually said:

Unfiltered Princess said “How about you?”

xybersensei replied: “Here since arriving in 1987 at the age of 23.”

To which the unfiltered princess then sullenly replied: “Why would you live here?!?!?”

In the days of yore, she would have been eviscerated with an unfiltered reply, a common tedious myopic Occxie chick, absent of any wisdom, not even one small pearl, her mind trapped inside a minuscule world.

This is where the filter kicked in, mitigating a tip of the tongue tart wise-guy reply—at long last, the acrid tongue finally reigned in—one giant leap on the road to becoming what Muse has in store to explore throughout the nooks and crannies of the phantasmagorical portals residing within.

The burning question now on the beloved readers’ mind is:

What would you have said if you had allowed yourself the freedom to opine:

The answer is clear for those who care to be:

I never wanted to become someone like you—not kind, nor necessary, nonetheless true.

A slightly obese British princess with raggedy clothes and gaudy makeup, standing in wonderment at a shrine. She has a snotty nose