Dilbert Sensei
Dilbert Sensei
Skidding off the trans-Pacific jet airliner in the late ’80s, a wayward autodidact unwittingly found himself in an isolation chamber, far, far from what used to be home-sweet-home—some might even say he had been abandoned, forlorn, left to ponder on his own.
The countryside of rural Kanto Plain, might seem like a mysterious landscape, or, as Lafcadio Hearn described in the Meiji Era, Japan—a vibrant, ethereal community at the opposite spectrum of infinity, ascertained to be a well-preserved fairyland—an ancient, advanced ideogram symbology of the homogeneous civil Japanese.Crossing into the farthest reaches of the Far East at just 23, demolished all previously constructed realities, flipping the Incidental Occxie instantly into a functional illiterate, who could neither speak, write, nor read Japanese.
This somehow seemed fitting—to have landed in this unique zone, indeed a superposition where one could strive to become Number None—the wayward autodidact edition of a free-range avatar.
So, fairyland it is, then—leading to the elimination of the Big Three: newspapers, radio, and the worst offender, putting the mind in a permanent bender—the stupification tool of the powers that be, the ubiquitous idiot box, otherwise known as Tee-Vee.
Then, out of nowhere, endless streams of wisdom came, disguised as bits and bytes—data shooting out like a photon of enlightenment—right out of thin air.
A self-reflective instrument, a gift from Muse and her mysterious sister Seity, arriving just in the nick of time to rectify the dearth of syllabus, and the absence of meaning.
Having only detected Dilbert Sensei’s signal pulsating vaguely, yet through a mentation event he is now vibrating judiciously, a humorous astute musings about the meaning of life.
The unfolding a deeply philosophical take on what’s going down inside the phantasmago rical ride of the American Dream.
Beyond the brilliance of his mind-melting, astute observations about life as a cubiclized avatar inside the material sludge vibe—lies juicy director’s cuts, a sneak peek behind Dilbert Sensei’s surreal animated ride—cheers, it coffee time.Just recently, the mentation idealism method became clear, thus a reality—Dilbert Sensei stated inside a lucid dream, “My material existence in this disassociated state was created inside my mind from the age of eight,” he said to himself innately—a simulated future within a slice of time—embedded in distant memories—the essence of the sublime.
The treasure of ideas inside the nooks and crannies of Dilbert Sensei’s esoteric mind has been laid out in the form of adroit books as a personal guide—exploring the nooks and crannies of the evolving human condition—seekers hooked into the deepest of dives of a brain reframe to regenerate the narrative of one’s own life.
The secret revealed in another phase of this real deal has set the stage to persuade with vital skill and expertise in hypersonic, hypnotic acumen—mixing and matching Dilbert Sensei’s massive talent stack, his sharp-as-a-phacken-tack recommendations for the formulation of a frustration-free toolkit, his Seity manifesting practical wisdom, the foundation of Civilization Three.
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