That’s That

Oct 12, 2024Blog, Enlightenment

Incessant regurgitation of the past into an endless loop of rumination about things that can never be changed, leading to stagnation of the body, heart, spirit, and mind—eventually becoming deranged.

According to nefarious disinformation, the past cannot be changed, when in fact, this is a massive pile of baloney, a gross misnomer at best.

All things are interconnected—*\(^o^)/*—when one element is neglected, dropping out of synchronicity means failing a consequential test—homeostasis—the unifying symbol of a complete existence.homeostasisAny past event in need of urgent emotional care gets an intentional reframe—rearrange the vibration of the mush between your ears, also known as the noggin—transmute the mind, and voila, the past has instantaneously been reframed.

The tired old narrative, making you miserable by depleting your agency, spreads ill will, as an incessant impish voice agitates you into stressful anxiety, in essence, stealing the future—every single day.Your future has been stolenThe ugliness embedded inside negative self-constructed narratives is replete with lies and deceit of the most extraordinarily unpleasant kind—for it is when we are most vulnerable that internal imps begin to administer mind control—the inner voice stoking internal discontent, which is fundamentally self-directed harm—consider this treason, and it must be disarmed.

Here is the protocol for when a trouble-making internal imp rears its ugly head.Boy vs impSay hi, then goodbye, banishing it to the archives of your personal Hardcore History forever and a day.

Deflate and decimate this materialistic ego, depriving it of any agency over the vast past of life episodes with a death-grip still on your soul.

It is in the courageous act of facing the cold, hard facts—the past is but an ephemeral dream—events of a lifetime evaporating like a wispy puff of transitory steam.the past is but an ephemeral dreamAs a semi-autonomous avatar in this exceptional game—the mental prison of being trapped in the past—escaping it is the crux of the mentalist’s game.

Continuing to dwell inside the dank caverns of past transgressions is like a torture chamber of sorts—a life sentence of permanent stagnation, reflecting the personal failure to reach the next stage of life’s game—trapped in the past forever, never to emerge or become whole again.

There is serenity in finality, and this is where the healing protocol comes into being—once a decision has been made, there is never a reason to doubt yourself or revisit it again—unless, of course, you need to reframe, and then it’s A-okay—nothing is real anyway.

Reframe your brain Scott AdamsThe “that’s that” protocol is an extremely empowering potential that can only come  from within.

This mysterious ability is not for sale—you cannot buy it or acquire it elsewhere.

It must come as a final resolve to see which way the winds are a blowin’, leading to the next stage of this phantasmagorical ride inside the nooks and crannies of the evolving human condition from which humanity can no longer hide.無知蒙昧を許さないThis cannot be said much bolder or with more certainty—reframe the past to make it a personal servant at long last—this magic is available to all seeking release from the Shackles of the Past—100% money-back guarantee that this pure mental exercise leads to eternal relief for the rest of this material life.

Once and for all, it’s always a personal call—the final decision has been made—no longer look back—this most useful hack is to finish off the past.

One phrase to say—you will no longer play the inexhaustible game of being trapped in the past—from this time hence you will always be able to declare with an air of ultimate finality—that’s that.

Rise up my son