Can’t vs Won’t

Aug 3, 2024Blog, Enlightenment

 More often than not, the solutions to life’s obstacles are easy to solve, all it takes is a little innovation transforming into resolve.

Herein lies a tale concerning an Australian Shepard puppy dog, and his daily walk in the clammy, sticky, icky summer of Japan—mornings turn quite hot inducing the lackadaisical protocol of Can’t vs Won’t.

Really hot

Too hot for a walk—what to do—my beloved puppy needs a stretch—roasting hot 06:00 on the dot—might just voluntarily succumb to the heat, balking at the walk, admitting defeat.

It was here where the wizened autodidactic read the air, contributing a simple solutions to beat the heat—find relief from this yearly summertime conundrum—leave the house at 05:00 instead of 06:00 to mitigate any dehydration issues—joining the early morning dog-lovers in a dynamics social mix.

Dog parkThis young bright man from the far reaches of northern Japan, answer was straight and plain as day—“I can not do that”—is all that was said.

Linguistic semantics then kicked in as the incidental language instructor chimed in—chiding and even deride him from behind a wide Cheshire Cat’s grin.

A lovely lesson“It is not that you can’t—it is that you won’t”—therein lies the spin.

Understandably, a diligent Japanese company employee for certain needs restorative sleep to rejuvenate his weary industrialized soul.

Realistically, all thing in Material Sludge are temporal for the ephemeral time being—after the Indian summer, the world inevitably cools down—embrace the day—rise up an hour earlier at the break of dawn on an immaculate summer day.

The allegory embedded within the roasting summer heat, is the notion of a potion to defeat, the lackadaisical imp always urging lethargic procrastinators to take the easy way when faced with forks in the road—a vicious circle every time ending in defeat and dismay.

Samurai at the fork in the roadInstead of can’t, say won’t—thus, becoming clear and known—the solution to the mundane problem of beating the swelter was rejected as the perfect resolution to the stinking heat—take a lose and start from the beginning again.

The Can’t vs Won’t protocol comes into clear view when there is a sink or swim component mixed into summer-time swill—ultimate figment of a vivid imagination lucidly ideating the game of life, if you will.

In days of ennui and human search for meaning, the significance of personal agency as an avatar within the grand scheme of things, is where the Can’t vs Won’t protocol has an infinite impact inside Earth’s Zone, and the fate of all emerging neo-societies signifying a clear fork in the road.

Follow The SunChoosing not to activate participation in this visceral game, allocates you to the dreaded category of a willing slave—sayonara to personal agency—the end of a dull mundane existence of a pusillanimous journey.

Regardless of the magnitude of any task, all you have to do is to simply ask.

Muse and her phantasmagorical friends, fill your cup up—there is no beginning—there is no middle—there is no end.

Flip the switch—will over won’t—reset the game—use the knock down seven, get up eight protocol—make the decision at critical junctures—stay down or get back up again.

Get knocked down 7 times get up 8

Life ends, no room to pretend—create your own neo-clan stories describing highly-personalized journeys, inside individualized version of enriched ideated avatars—this is the way of the neo-clan friends.

Create parables to enrich neo-societies a narration of the expeditions of your own family’s extraordinary journey while following the sun and timeless chronicles of all sublime journeys to ΩNE.

Flow Into ΩNE - 万物